7 day set on eBay for £1200: pure madness?

Nice to see you semi up and about Neil, looks like your on the mend.

Looks like this razor set has sold for quiet a price,
Lets hope it wasn't one of us :icon_razz: some body wanted them bad, really bad ,quiet possibly from the eye candy point of view.

Neil is recovering in bed,but is still razor sharp to notice the little details but the buyer may not of.

The buyer is ether in for a shock or a total surprise,and could find that he/she has been done up like a kipper.....but hopefully not.
I.m thinking for £107 there's a very decent profit to be had restoring those blades indeed, and the first set which didn't sell for over £1100 pounds I wonder why? I'm afraid your valuation and my valuation differ somewhat and I base my valuation on many hundreds of razors I see on straight razor forums for sale from very high end models down to the very ordinary general good shaving starter razor, after all if they don't know how much their worth on straight razor forums well I really don't know what to say.

I have already said what I think of your evaluations several times in the past, so I won't repeat myself.

As for a 'very decent profit' - twaddle. Obviously you don't count the many hours of time it takes restoring them as worth anything, or you wouldn't make such a crass remark.

The only thing I agee with you about is you last six or seven words.
There is an antique dealer here, he is selling a pair of 'celebrated something' razors in a wooden box, scales are ivory and they are not rusty, if i am not wrong they are 6/8, bit loose and needs honing things like that. he wants £75!!
This razor set is a good lesson to learn for new peeps going on eBay,
Yes the item is nice, yes the item is eye candy, my approach to bidding for something is always be emotionally detached the item, and for Christ sake don't go mad with you money, set your self a limit and stick with it.

Think ahead ( how much will it cost me to fix it/ is it worth doing)

If in doubt ask / or simply walk away,there is always going to be another.
Neil - wouldn't be short of tools for doing the chopping of course regarding your wife's comment about your leg ;) Hope you're well soon.

Ebay will be making a nice little profit from that sale of course!
John said:
This razor set is a good lesson to learn for new peeps going on eBay,
Yes the item is nice, yes the item is eye candy, my approach to bidding for something is always be emotionally detached the item, and for Christ sake don't go mad with you money, set your self a limit and stick with it.

Think ahead ( how much will it cost me to fix it/ is it worth doing)

If in doubt ask / or simply walk away,there is always going to be another.

Cheers John, for trying and smooth things over, but the problem is when Jamie "helps" and give advice that's often wrong and sometimes in the opposite direction of what's true. He's a straight razor newbie but acts like he's a master in restoration - even though he's a carpenter who can make scales, it's another thing to actually know anything about razors in general (history, brands etc), restoration of them and what makes a good one.
Mikael said:
John said:
This razor set is a good lesson to learn for new peeps going on eBay,
Yes the item is nice, yes the item is eye candy, my approach to bidding for something is always be emotionally detached the item, and for Christ sake don't go mad with you money, set your self a limit and stick with it.

Think ahead ( how much will it cost me to fix it/ is it worth doing)

If in doubt ask / or simply walk away,there is always going to be another.

Cheers John, for trying and smooth things over, but the problem is when Jamie "helps" and give advice that's often wrong and sometimes in the opposite direction of what's true. He's a straight razor newbie but acts like he's a master in restoration - even though he's a carpenter who can make scales, it's another thing to actually know anything about razors in general (history, brands etc), restoration of them and what makes a good one.

What exactly do you mean by acts like a master when it comes to razor restoration? I'm a little confused with your remark, the fact that I have a differing opinion is in no way unhelpful, and razor restoration is hardly rocket science now, and as far as a newbie straight razor user is concerned I never new that straight shaving or any other forms of traditional shaving had a ranking system, so I'm guessing you are a four Dan black belt in straight razor use, I bow before your shaving greatness the Bruce Lee of the straight razor world, I think not! I don't mean to be rude but get a FUCKING LIFE!
Yes I know, I've worked all this out some time ago LOL
Jamie sees it as a labour of love, and is trying to understand all things straight razor.
Neil works with straight razors day in and day out, and runs a business with it, that type of experience Jamie can only dreem of. I'd bet my left bollok that Neil probly only finds a razor with that "wow" factor only once in a while, all the rest are nice but lacking, just ok.

I wounder If Neil is starting to get itchy for the hone yet. Get well soon fella.
It's not a problem to have an opinion, but when you, Jamie, like in this thread, states that crap razors are in the same nick (or better) as some very lovely and prob NOS razors it becomes a problem (or if you speak up fast and certain of things you don't know anything about, like in the recent Cape thread). You act like you know something and give advice without any doubt, then it becomes a problem for other people to know what's what and maybe even becomes a bigger problem for some people if they actually follow your advice and miss out on something or buy crap blades (like the ones you linked to above) and think they're in for a good deal.

As for me being a black belt anything, that's plain twaddle. Most often if I give advice I try to speak from my own experience (and with a "I think" or something like it). I'm no expert and I try not to pose as one either and I often write that, I think ;)
I agree with the opinion's ,I gess that the only way to find out is to let some one find out for them selves and keep things tamed down a bit.

:blush: hell I'll be the first to admit I an't no expert with straight razors just drawing on my own experiences of which probably count for little in this crazy place, out of my straight's that stainforth is a bit of an eye opener for me,but I'd bet my other nut,that if Neil got hold of it he would with out a doubt giggle at my honing.

As for the razor set, it is eye candy and yes there looks like a lot of work to restore most of them, you never know they might just have that wow factor To some one, if things work out for them they will have a very unique set. It would be nice to find out the out come.
Look i really like the TSR forum and I very much except every members view even if it differs from mine, but what I won't except is the kind of remarks you have left regarding me with words such as restoration master and newbie straight razor user, without any explanation, it's the very last time I shall post in the straight razor section, because you obviously like everyone to agree with you It's my very last word on the matter.

If you like I can give explanations (but usually has do do with how long you've been doing things and with quantified no of repeated work hours, much like for a carpenter) ... We could be mates (yeah right you think, but I'm severe), everyone make mistakes, me included and I think you know how you, at times, come on/work - like the wast majority here we both, prob, love this hobby and it's a good common ground...
Sezer74 said:
come on gents, there is no need for that. Lets all calm down and forget this arguement

This happens,from time to time, with no voiced opinion from me of course. Wouldn't like to misdirect, misled, distort, information in any way, I'm staying Swiss from now on. :icon_rolleyes:
Exactly m8, thing is these people(Neil,Mikael and Jamie and more) they know a great deal about razors, honing, sharpening, restoring and things like that, and personally i have a lot to learn and seeing them arguing like that is quite discouraging for less experienced razor enthusiasts. If they don't agree with each other and/or think they are wrong, no need to make it a big event. I am sure here nobody will suggest something wrong or harmful on purpose. I would like to see them all talking and exchanging ideas and opinions happily.
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