1912, 1914, 1924 this is getting complicated

I want a Streamline now!
Yes I thought that, and look what happened.

Though I have passed on a Clamshell Set to Electrif. I did replace it with another " Jewel". that is the one
in the Chrome Box. Maybe need to do a "Fergiebilly " and get rid of some on an auction site. At least that way get my money back. Still await son instructing me on how to sell on Auction Site !!
See its going well there. Hope you have kept one to use.
PS I think should be Listed as an Ambassador as in a Lock Box
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The single clamshell in the middle is the really nice one. It's the Ambassador that seems to be the really hard one to find.
Oh goody, I'll flip mine once I've cleaned it up, although I am thinking of selling it together with the sterling silver Ever ready silvertip brush in case there is someone out there willing to give me enough money for a euro mini break with the Mrs.

I own one and it's a perfectly good one, a stropper set, there is nothing wrong with it whatsoever and you will see how fond of it I am by how often it features in my shave of the day, it is a beautifully made razor and chromed whilst just about every other SE is nickelled, it is solidly made whereas most of the other GEM's and Ever Ready's are a bit 'tinny' but in terms of the quality of shave it delivers it fails to 'make the cut' (great play on words....ok I'll get my coat) of my top half a dozen razors!

However everybody is perfectly entitled to his or her opinion but it is just that an opinion and for many people it is their favourite razor and I can understand that but for me it just does not deliver the type of shave I like or the ease of use or quality of finish that I can get with many other razors.

That's because you use a mirror in your photos. The bidders must think they're getting two
And 2 bottles of single malt
See its going well there. Hope you have kept one to use.
PS I think should be Listed as an Ambassador as in a Lock Box
Malt & Mirrors..The Way to Go..I was going to list as an Ambassador but I wasn't wanting to confuse any buyer that wasn't Streamline Savvy..All my Gem Blade SEs are just about Sold..I wasn't using them & I have bought a Bunch of Lovely Straights with the Doe..

Wow, best get my two boxed sets into the bank deposit Billy. Never imagined they were so desireable, they're just razors to me. Enjoy the straights m8.

JohnnyO. o/
I was Lucky & there was a couple of Folks chasing that at a High Price..That was a Rare Ambassador Set I had there..You Don't often see them especially in the USA & that's where Most of the Interest was coming from..
