
Thinking about pulling the trigger on a bowl of this, never tried it, always fancied it, any views, worth the price etc

pem said:
Thinking about pulling the trigger on a bowl of this, never tried it, always fancied it, any views, worth the price etc


I love this cream, often on offer in larger Sainsburys stores, I have brought a couple over the last 12 months for about £4 a tub!
Scswalex said:
pem said:
Thinking about pulling the trigger on a bowl of this, never tried it, always fancied it, any views, worth the price etc


I love this cream, often on offer in larger Sainsburys stores, I have brought a couple over the last 12 months for about £4 a tub!

That's the No.10 not the 1805.

In response to the OP's question, absolutely worth it. I think it is T&H's best selling cream so make of that what you will. I love the stuff.
1805 is the only cream I use regularly in my rotation, the rest are soaps. Performs well and has a heavenly, complex scent. Great cream for spring and summer. Go for it!
I bought a tube off of a TSR member. It's great stuff. Lovely smell and lathers well. I'd go for it. When mine runs out I'll certainly be getting some more.
I've been thinking of getting some 1805 for a while.

I'm in London on Thursday, so I suppose it'd be rude not to.
1805 cream and the ASB are awesome. I've just re-ordered a fresh tub of the cream and it arrived today. :)

I've read some mixed reviews about the shaving soap on some US forums though - does anyone on thus forum have any direct experience of using it at all.

If so, how well does is compare to other triple milled soaps?
Best cream I've ever owned, I'm a long term fan and currently halfway through my third tub. Luxurious lather with nil effort and possibly the nicest smelling soap there is.

^^ @ Ajc: The hard soap requires harder work, as you'd probably expect. It takes a pre soak, a long loading (up to a minute) and a bit of the old know how to get it performing but it shouldn't be a challenge to anyone with experience of properly hard soaps. I've had 2 T+H luxury hard soaps (original) and one 1805 and they perform the same, the smell of both is divine and I love them. When I have the time to lather properly that is.

I expect the criticism on some forums comes from people used to softer soap pucks, it does dry to near marble hardness.
Ended up buying a tub, arrived today and am very taken by the scent, will have to check out the rest of the range.
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