Two piece razors?

I love looking at all the amazing aluminium, brass and stainless steel de razors which appear on SOTD. But, as far as I can tell, they ALL appear to be three piece razors. Now I can appreciate that the likelihood of anyone making a non zamac one piece (or TTO) is a non starter. But, for those of us whose occasional lack of dexterity makes using three piece razors problematic, I would have thought that a two piece would not be out of the question. I have a Merkur 34C, 38C and a Muhle R89 Twist, and apart from a couple of adjustables I think that is all that are currently available. I love them and use all three in rotation, but a really nice aluminium or brass or stainless or, dare I say it, titanium (although I doubt it would be affordable) would be a nice something to aspire to (and drool over).
Does anyone on the forum know if any manufacturer, large or small, make one?
Cheers and thanks for reading,
The Gillette single ring are three-piece and brass ... beneath silver plate if you get an earlier one. Into the 1920s, you might well find an all brass one that doesn't need de-plating.

... but you want a new razor, don't you? Still, the seed is now planted ;)
Ooh, vintage, there’s a thought. The single ring might be a bit advanced for me though (and OC!) is it a 2 piece though?
Some good suggestions out there. What I really want is something like a Henson, Karve, Tatara, Blackland etc but as a 2 piece razor. If Merkur or Muhle made stainless 2 piece versions, I’d be there!
If it does not have to be specifically a DE razor you are after then take a look at the Leaf Twig or Thorn.
Great loading mechanism, lightweight and takes half a DE blade.
Good idea. It’s really just not zamac and not 3 piece I’m looking for, but I’ve not really considered the Leaf razors, will have a shufti at them. Mind you, the thought of breaking a blade in half with my tremors fills me with foreboding!
Gillette made some two piece razors.

View attachment 118938

They also made very nice TTO razors.

And then there's the GEM Micromatic family that are TTOs.

And don't forger the injector razors!
Useful advice, thanks. All the 2 piece ones I have checked out seem to be OC's, (not keen), I have bid on one or two UK based Superspeeds and Rockets that were not too expensive and I keep checking the bay, but no luck yet. Don't fancy going down the GEM rabbit hole just yet and I don't really get Injectors!
Everyday Shaving Stinger.
Maxwell June (sort of)
Rockwell T2 - they had a steel TTO.
There was a relatively inexpensive aluminium two piece on AliExpress that looked decent. Will see if I can dig it out.

With adjustables, but you can always set it to a particular setting and then change it to a different one for a change of pace every now and then, if you'd fancy.

Injectors are nice once you get intothe groove. I only have the Supply Provision injector, and its steel versions have been, sadly, discontinued. Suited me so well I haven't been tempted enough by other offerings so far.
Plenty of vintage ones around, though.
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