SOTD: Saturday February 25 - Friday 3 March 2023.

SOTD 20230228.

3P "La Crema Prodigio" pre-shave cream (pre-).
Luyixian Jiamei Cosmetics synth. "Beautiful Elements".
Extro "Shantala" shaving soap.
ATT S2 / Stork "Taipan" handle.
Polsilver Stainless (2).
3P "La Crema Prodigio" pre-shave cream (after-).
Loris "Luxe Oud" EdP.

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso Preshave
Brush Yaqi Aqua Blue 24mm Knot.
Soap Mitchell's Wool Fat.
Razor Pearl Blaze.
Blade Dorco Prime.
Aftershave Proraso Wood and Spice.
In keeping with the fat theme I once again had a great shave with the MWF and I seem to be getting the face lathering technique down pat now.
The Razor was a Christmas gif from the wife as she thought I would love a razor the same name as our new puppy, who is now 10 months old.
The rascal definitely keeps me fit and on my toes.

The razor is a great weight and shaves excellent but for some reason the corners are quite sharp and poke my cheeks when I am shaving my chin, I wish they rounded the edges as it would have made all the difference with the comfort of the shave.
All in all a great shave and still undecided on the Wood and Spice aftershave hmmmmm.
Have a great afternoon all.
Yesterday’s Rasp

IKon X3 Slant (Polished)
Gillette Platinum (Blue Box)
Omega 20102 Boar
HWF #1 Soap
SD Forest Fresh AS

No picture because, well, aye…lazybastarditis.

My X3 deserves more face time as it is a superb and hugely underrated razor. I polished the beastie and together with the 80mm Bulldog handle, it’s almost handsome as my dog. And he’s a right smasher!

And I’ll be controversial here by declaring the knot in this Omega brush to be superior to any and every offering by Zenith or Semogue. A few shekels over a tenner and it’s a proper looker with its beech base and black n’ chrome top. Good old Omega!

Not fussed with these blades though. Nacets are way better as are a good few that spring to mind.

Anyway, Matron’s got me cleaning out the ward toilets under threat of pudding cessation. The damn woman has invented many dastardly and painful methods of torture in her time but to take away a chap’s pudding? Well that’s just too much! I’ll be cleaning the u-bend with her toothbrush for this. Honestly, ruddy woman’s a menace…
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My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso Preshave
Brush Yaqi Aqua Blue 24mm Knot.
Soap Mitchell's Wool Fat.
Razor Pearl Blaze.
Blade Dorco Prime.
Aftershave Proraso Wood and Spice.
In keeping with the fat theme I once again had a great shave with the MWF and I seem to be getting the face lathering technique down pat now.
The Razor was a Christmas gif from the wife as she thought I would love a razor the same name as our new puppy, who is now 10 months old.
The rascal definitely keeps me fit and on my toes.

View attachment 101526
The razor is a great weight and shaves excellent but for some reason the corners are quite sharp and poke my cheeks when I am shaving my chin, I wish they rounded the edges as it would have made all the difference with the comfort of the shave.
All in all a great shave and still undecided on the Wood and Spice aftershave hmmmmm.
Have a great afternoon all.
What a smasher Blaze is! You didn’t call him Pearl did you?
View attachment 101524

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso Preshave
Brush Yaqi Aqua Blue 24mm Knot.
Soap Mitchell's Wool Fat.
Razor Pearl Blaze.
Blade Dorco Prime.
Aftershave Proraso Wood and Spice.
In keeping with the fat theme I once again had a great shave with the MWF and I seem to be getting the face lathering technique down pat now.
The Razor was a Christmas gif from the wife as she thought I would love a razor the same name as our new puppy, who is now 10 months old.
The rascal definitely keeps me fit and on my toes.

View attachment 101526
The razor is a great weight and shaves excellent but for some reason the corners are quite sharp and poke my cheeks when I am shaving my chin, I wish they rounded the edges as it would have made all the difference with the comfort of the shave.
All in all a great shave and still undecided on the Wood and Spice aftershave hmmmmm.
Have a great afternoon all.
Beautiful dog!

Tabac Tuesday
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - Silver Birch Brushes - Blue Resin 26mm Silvertip
Soap - Tabac
Razor - ATT X1 Slant
Blade - Kai Captain Titan Mild
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Vintage Tabac
A/S - Tabac EDC
View attachment 101523
An all round crackin' shave that.
A wonderful and plentiful, slick lather, 2 passes with some touch up and a nice post shave routine to leave me BBS Clean and fresh.
The scent of this " new" Vintage Tabac was going a bit, therefore i syringed about 10mm of the EDC into the tube and give it a good shake, its spot on now.
Dentists today for an extraction, as long as its not cancelled again.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Good luck at the butchers today Tony, no, I ment dentist, my bad!

SOTD February 28. 2023.

Last day of Fat February.

Razor - Feather AS-D1
Blade - Feather Hi Stainless
Soap - Mitchell's wool fat
Brush - Zenith unbleached boar
Bowl - Capitans Choice - Copper.
Post - Refinery ASB
Frag - Old Spice AS

The Feather AS-D1 was dropped from production ten years ago and the AS-D2 was born.
A lot of people think this razor is just too mild to get a decent shave out of it, they are wrong!
Fit a Feather blade and find the angle and it will take down 3 or 4 days of growth with ease.
The Mitchell's wool fat was great, a thick creamy lather was knocked up in no time at all and the shave was fabulous, I love this razor , I love all my Feather razors
The result was baby smooth skin which felt supple, as I would expect from the Fat and the Feather.

Until next time, stay safe and shave happy. :)

Astra Keramik shave 7! I think maybe I have found the Everlasting Gobstopper of the DE blade world! No wonder they don't make these any more. They'd be out of business pretty quickly! I normally get 3 to 4 shaves from a good blade.

A close shave from this little travel razor. It exposes a lot of the blade and I can really feel it on my face. Forces me to concentrate on good technique. I like it!

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Unbranded German 1940s Bakelite Travel Razor
Blade: Astra Keramik
Brush: Henkverhaar (TSR) badger brush Walnut Silvertip
Pre-Shave: Myrsol Antesol
Lather: 3P
Aftershave: Superdrug Forest Fresh

Pre - Palmolive
Brush - Yaqi Sagrada Tuxedo
Soap - MWF/Kent
Razor - Old Type
Blade - Astra SP (1)
Post - Lea Balm
AS - Brut Sport Style

Last day of Fat February and it was good to cross the line. The first time I have ever used one shaving soap for the entire month, 28 shaves consecutive. For the best part of the time I don't think I even noticed it that much. The month was there to test out a few new brushes/blades, but towards the end of the month I noticed I kind of stuck into a bit of a rut, largely using the same few splashes/blades/brushes, which I believe was more down to my own failures to rotate other software/hardware.

After using the Fat for a month, I've taken a few things. It can be a fiddly soap to lather with at times, I think it's down to it being quite a thirsty soap, and falsely it has the reputation 'load it like you hate it'. If this is done then it's easy to end up with a soap that will dry on your face in bits. The tricky thing is finding the sweet spot to load, especially if you've been using softer soaps. For building a lather, I found the Fat takes a bit of time to build up and get in as much air and water to obtain the slick shiny glossy lather it is capable of doing.
In terms of performance, it leaves great residual slickness for the second pass (or more) but I find it's post shave feel is where it really shines. After a month of using it, my face is delightfully soft. All that lanolin goodness I imagine!

Now onto the shave. I had a terrible night's sleep, and even after a few cups of tea my hands were shaking a little too much to trust myself with the insanely sharp blade I used yesterday (Gillette 7OC Permasharp) so I picked out a Astra SP with one of my mildest razors, the Old Type. What a great decision that turned out to be! I lost my grip a few times during the shave and still didn't manage to cut myself! The blade was still sharp enough to muster some reasonable results after a couple of passes.

Sometimes a bit of water, the Fat and an Old Type can do wonders for making you feel a bit more human.

It'll be a while til I will say this again but for the meantime, dedicated to my fellows in the Brotherhood of the Fat.


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