SOTD: Saturday February 25 - Friday 3 March 2023.

Monday AM 2023-02-27
National Retro Day

Rooney 1/3 Ivory Finest (26/55)
Crabtree & Evelyn Lavender shaving cream (vintage)
Personna 74 Tungsten (16)
Yardley English Lavender aftershave (vintage)

Proraso, Reinfrescante :: Yaqi Sentinel, DSCosmetics Destroyer, Super Max (# 13) :: Semogue SCNHG LE 2022 :: Barrister & Mann, Mûir(e) Wood :: Lea 3 en 3 :: Epsilon, Mediterranean Blue



Proraso, Pelli sensibili :: Blackland Blackbird Titanium Satin Lite, Perma Sharp (# 1) :: Danidorm Endeveour :: Álvarez Gómez :: Álvarez Gómez :: Epsilon, Mediterranean Blue



Pre - Palmolive
Soap - MWF/Kent
Razor - Old Type
Blade - Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless
Post - Lea Balm
AS - Old Spice

This blade is a sharp one. I think it might be one of the sharpest blades I have ever used, it's up there with the PPI Nacet for sure.
It bit me in a slightly more assertive razor for yesterday's shave (RFB New) but was just right in today's Old Type. First class combination in this razor, face is smooth as glass at the end of the shave.
I think this Gillette blade is one of the better blades they make but seems to go under the radar, not really sure why tbh.

Finished the shave with a little too much Old Spice. Enough for about 3 shaves fell into my hands so I splashed on nonetheless. I think I will be smelling of this glorious splash tomorrow morning...

Finished the shave with a little too much Old Spice. Enough for about 3 shaves fell into my hands so I splashed on nonetheless. I think I will be smelling of this glorious splash tomorrow morning...

Face, neck, back of neck, chest and a little pat on top of head. That's how to do it properly and you do need a good splash to do so.

Semogue TSN 2018 L.E. Boar
Gillette Super Adjustable ‘84
Polsilver Łódź (1)
Shulton Old Spice shaving soap
Thayer’s Lavender witch hazel
Old Spice (Indian) a/s

I’ve been after a short handled “Black Beauty” in good/excellent condition for quite a while. I managed to secure a mint condition, possibly unused one off The Bay a few weeks ago, for a very good price.
Used for the first time last night, and it shaves every bit like a Slim. Which is to say, excellently.
It feels slightly more sturdy and weighty than a Slim, and makes a great addition to my small collection of vintage razors.

For something this classic, I had to pair it with my Shulton Old Spice soap.
Which after seven or so years occasional use, is getting towards the end.

Excellent shave. Enjoy yours gents.
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