Which OC to replace R41?

Hi all.

I'm a little out of the loop and looking for advice.

I dropped and broke the head of my R41. The snapped thread remains lodged in the handle. This was my fave Razor by far - I like it's aggressiveness and efficiency.

I'm happy to replace like form like but before doing so is their anything better out there with a budget of £50?

I quite like the look of the FaTips and already have the Picalo.

Advice and suggestions would be hugely appreciated.

Fatip La Storto (slant) could be a good budget choice

The broken thread shouldn't be difficult to remove, as long as it wasn't over tightened and a replacement head is about £25 from Amazon.
If you want to go the like for like route.
How would I remove please? I've tried Gorilla Glue but it isn't taking. Thanks.
If you or a friend has a Dremmel type tool. A slot could be cut into the broken threaded part and a screwdriver should be able to unscrew it.
Thanks. I have a Dremel. The thread is recessed lower than the handle so I assume I simply need a very small attachment (1mm?) to be able to cut into it? Or am I misunderstanding? Thanks.
Thanks. I have a Dremel. The thread is recessed lower than the handle so I assume I simply need a very small attachment (1mm?) to be able to cut into it? Or am I misunderstanding? Thanks.

Yes, a fine grinding bit would be the way forward. If you don't have a bit already it may not be worth buying one as a new R41 is about £35.

You'll need to make sure there isn't any glue in the threads.

Are you anywhere near West London?
Yes, a fine grinding bit would be the way forward. If you don't have a bit already it may not be worth buying one as a new R41 is about £35.

You'll need to make sure there isn't any glue in the threads.

Are you anywhere near West London?
Unfortunately not. North West. I'm thinking a 1mm drill bit to make a small hole and then tap a tiny screwdriver in might work.
If it's the original R41 handle, I'd be inclined to write it off. Any Dremel action is likely to breakdown the plating on the handle thread and the zamac underneath will begin to corrode and you'll have another battle on your hands.

The Fatip handles are brass and stainless RazoRock handles are also available at good prices from Shaving Time - these will outlive you.
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