SOTD : Saturday 23th January to Friday 29nd January 2021.


Soap - Lider Cream
Brush - Yaqi Sargrada Tuxedo
Razor - Flat Bottom Tech
Blade - Shark SS (1)
Post - Superdrug Forest Fresh

First time using the Lider Cream which @Pontormo generously sent me a sample of, the scent is a nice clean lemony one, and the lather is a good one too, slick and quite neutral in post shave feel, but did it pass the most important test ie did it make my face burn - a negative! I get quite happy when I find a new shaving cream/soap which doesn't make my face burn.
I'd not used a Shark SS in a really long time and my experiences with the blade the last time around weren't the best, but I've been reading Paul @pjgh very complimentary reviews of the blade so decided to give it another go with a Flat Bottom Tech.
If I'm honest I wasn't expecting much, and with the Lider lather, the blade was very smooth and comfortable; the face feel of the blade is quite a bit different to a Gillette blade. The first pass was exceptionally comfortable, especially above the lip and as I had enough lather for a second pass I went ahead with it and the second pass was just as comfortable as the first. My face felt very smooth and irritation free.

It felt like a day to use Superdrug Forest Fresh, which might be one of my all time favourite splashes. There's some reassuring about it's scent profile.

A really great shave today, one of those ones which reminds you to why this hobby can be so enjoyable.

Anyway chaps, have a good day.
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For you @Satanfriendly - Ms. Perske looking sultry - I don't think she ever looked any other way?


prep - facial scrub
razor - ATT Calypso - R plate
blade - Med Prep (?)
brush - Simpson Trafalgar T2
soap - Ach Brito Mogno
post - witch hazel
a/s - Epsilon
balm - De Vergulde Hand.

All good - long overdue - an eight day growth coming off. I feel human again. I had noticed a lot of positive comments about the Mogno soap - so was delighted when a fellow member generously offered to send me a bar to try. It is indeed very good - does the job well. It is a wee bit different to other inexpensive hard soaps - La Toja, DVH, Lea, that sort of thing - as it has a distinct scent - other than just soap. A nice light cologne/ozonic thing. Very pleasant. It reminds me of the Valobra shave stick in terms of performance - that's a compliment in my opinion. The only criticism I could make - why on earth did they decide to sell it as a bar? Fair enough - I could grate it into a container - but that falls firmly into the 'life is too short' category of activities for me. I'll need to find something to keep it in - there is a beautiful antique ceramic dish in the window of Oxfam round the corner - a butter dish? Looks the perfect size. Problem - it isn't bastarding open - and probably won't be for quite some time. Such is life - have good shaves one and all - and stay safe. Yours - I.

@Paul L - thank you mate.
Reminds you of a Valobra Shave stick! Well that's music to my ears! It has turned into a must have rather than a would like to try!

Wednesday 27th

150 years between the two.

Cream - Castle Forbes
Brush - Simpson
Razors - Joseph Rodgers 5/8 & Feather AC DX
Blade - Feather Professional
Balm - TOBS Jermyn Street

Thought I'd try the Feather AC alongside the straight razor today, & what a difference, the Feather was so easy which I think is down to the extra weight - two passes for a super smooth result. I don't think its the edge, but I've just received a 6/8 which weighs a couple of grams more than the AC, so I'll find out tomorrow morning..

Vintage Month - Razor #27
Pre: Shower
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch Culmak Plus 1952
Soap: Vintage Cussons 1950's
Razor: Myatt Daymark 1929 Universal (Merkur top cap)
Blade: NOS Permasharp Supreme (2)
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Barts Rosemary and Sandalwood Balm.
Aftershave: Proraso Red
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What a shave!
Great lather from the Vintage cream, i bowl lathered today and face painted the goodness onto the chin.
The razor does not take current blades as the top cap posts are too thick, therefore, i use the cap from a Merkur 23C, just ensure the blade is sitting correctly and off i went. Very Mild and efficient, i can feel the blade doing its stuff, i find this with these Vintage blades but its so smooth.
I completed 3 full passes for a lovely BBS finish.
A nice post shave routine to close off, all very nice.
Stay safe and enjoy your day All.
Isn't that an OLD handle? The OLD cap will fit that too, and it's brass, unlike that zamakian monstrosity.
This evening's shaving antics is brought to you with the theme 'I am 60 going on 89'


Or so sang Liesl. John Lydon also sang a song about seventeen but I think it may have lacked the 'charm appeal' of the Sound of Music

89 - Muhle R89 on a Razorock titanium handle
69 - Feather
73 - Razorock 400
60 - Signature Soaps Londinium
88 - Not 88. Hermes D'Orange verte

As soon as a post appears asking 'My next DE?' or 'Recommend a DE razor for a newbie' I am straight in there, 'Muhle R89. The only razor you may ever need'. Fact is, I never really use mine at all as I am too obsessed with SE razors, and why not be?.....(They are superior after all). So for a change and to be somewhat nostalgic, this time around involved reaching beyond the row of SE's and shaving with something different outside of my usual box. And my box is very small. My wife's box on the other hand....................................

But we do love each other

I have only recently started face lathering and I must admit I do find it a much easier lathering exercise with less to clean up at the end. I am also learning that it very much depends on the brush. As great as it is the 400 is not quite the top dog here but with Brian's very easy to use soap it does an acceptable job. I do have to say Signature soaps are impossible to go wrong with and as a soap everything and more. The scents may not all be to my appeal but this side of the story is very individual. As it is the Londinium is right down my street. Didn't I say once before recently?, but I do prefer the old style labeling which rather reminds me of a 'home made jam competition' at a country fare.

Still a great shaving medium duo

Feather DE blades were never my first choice but they always worked well in certain razors, the 89 being one of them. Nice to think that down the years I still think exactly the same here. I am not going to say the handle is the perfect match to the 89 as I tend to like a heavier option which changes the dynamics of the head more suitable to my shaving preference. But it does look nice and it is titanium so it does have cock waving credibility.

As to the shave itself the R89 turned in an absolute sterling performance and it went a long way to reconfirming that I can stand strongly by my replies to those threads I mentioned at the start. Want a great razor which doesn't cost the earth? Looking for a way in to wet shaving? Just wanting to waste more of your money? The R89 will fit in nicely. It manages to cover all sins from starting out to being an experienced shaver. Just ask the likes of @udrako and those others who use the 89 in whichever form day in day out. They know a good thing.

So a wonderful bit of me time and a very happy bunny shave.


And to make everything even happier have some of those very talented and very pretty Band Maid ladies

Isn't that an OLD handle? The OLD cap will fit that too, and it's brass, unlike that zamakian monstrosity.
Yes @TobyC , the razors are complete, the problem is new blades do not fit over the cap posts ( the posts are Masshoove), its pre-Gillette "fits all" razors blades, i have some Myatt blades and shaved with one, bad bad experience. So to use them its frankenrazor only, either that or grind one side them down and make them into Half blade SE's:eek:.
Wednesday AM 2021-01-27
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Birthday

Rooney 2/1 Ivory Finest (22/56)
Crabtree & Evelyn Mysore Sandalwood shaving cream (vintage)
Wolfman WR2-SB/WRH3
Wilkinson London Bridge (2)
Ethos Grooming Mysore Santal aftershave

A great shave. The cream, like most of the older C&E creams, makes wonderful lather, and I love the Mysore scent of it and the aftershave. Plus it's good to get back to a blade that is really smooth on my skin.

Martin de Candre Original
MÜHLE Rytmo Black Fibre synth
Face lather
Yaqi Katana
Astra SP (50%)
Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
BBA balm

Half an Astra in the Yaqi today. Maybe slightly more audible than the pairing with the Permasharp. It did the business, though. 2 passes that left the impression of 3.

On a slightly unconnected matter: Zamak. Why does this material cause so much consternation? OK, I know it won't have the longevity of stainless steel; but I have several currently produced razors which I've used for years and have noticed no degradation.

Part of my regime is the clean up process; and all hardware is washed thoroughly and dried by hand. Even the razors sit outside the drawer overnight. I can understand threads etc. failing if our cutlery isn't looked after...

Wed 27th January

Cyril Salter MS. ED2BAND
L'Occitane Cade soap
Occams Oren-3dot
Feather Proguard ( 4 )
Jaguar Prestige A/S Lotion

A Wednesday but no Williams as I fancied a change and this soap does not get used enough, I think the soap Rabbit Hole is a bit of a Warren for lots of us.
I think today my mind was not on the Shave so the finish attained was a bit below par.

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