WTB: Weber DLC - God loves an optimist!

dodgy said:

I'm not a person who enjoys typing negative stuff and it's very rare for me to actually expend the energy needed to puff myself up and act all aggressive and crap like that. Maybe in this case it's worth the effort and it will end up being positive in the end.

Starting out calmly, let me go over my memories regarding when the Weber was first being produced and sold. I forget which models were offered, both the handles and head types. People here were reading reviews on other forums and man, these razors sounded pretty damn good. Very good shaves, good quality build, and a very good price for what you got. Lots of TSR members bought the various styles and were overall quite happy with what they received. And.........I can't remember any issues about crap quality. Sure, there was probably the odd quality control problem but certainly nothing to be concerned about. Now this was only maybe a year and a half ago, so it's pretty current history.

They sold out as fast as Weber made em available and then there was a wait of maybe 6 weeks till the next run. It was a very well received product with a strong fan base.

Than after a while longer, some razors in the later batches were mentioned as having problems. Enough so that it was pretty obvious something was wrong with more than there should be wrong with. Hell, I'm not gonna rehash all that because the threads are still around to be read I believe.

I firmly believe something happened at Weber razors maybe 6-8 months ago. Whatever is was, it wasn't good. I can't figure out how a company can self destruct like this company is trying to do. There's some info I am missing...no doubt about it.

Anyway, I will end the post here, before I start getting a bit irritated about even having to type something like this. My facts as such are to be taken with a grain of salt, since it's hard to remember exactly when this stuff has gone down. I do know the only way I'd buy a Weber is from a forum member.

Oh, if I'm right, the DLC handle was one of the earlier models and had a good reputation for having no problems. Really, none of the earlier razors had any issues to speak of.

That's plenty for now,


Hi Martin - I just want to be clear that I wasn't disputing your experiences (and I have previously read the posts to see what the fuss was all about). I think the point I was making was this: I can cope with a possibility of a problem item from a small manufacturer; to my mind it goes with the territory.

However, in exchange for taking that chance, I expect said small manufacturer to make up for it with customer service. So, if I'm unlucky enough to get a ropey piece, the small guy will apologise, pay for my return and send me a replacement item with a smile and good wishes. If there is a history of this not being the case, then I'm unlikely to take a chance.

Which brings me to the final point... if I read about inconsistent build quality, I will probably still consider a purchase. If I read about poor customer service then it's much less likely. Which brings me back to Weber - Matty's experience outweighs Carl's, even though Carl has had repeated good experiences.

And so that's that - I only really meant to stir up Chris and Carl as I found their exchange to be entertaining and well reasoned (Chris - I thought you held your own nicely!). Hopefully you didn't take my mention of you as a slight, but apologies if you did.

Well I've had no reply from Ed which to be honest is unsurprising. I should add I've had to have had the base plate exchanged previously for metal showing through and thin plating in which his replies were neither prompt or particularly empathising.

I love this head so so much, but I do wonder of its worth the hassle of kicking up a stink. I'm not one to believe the Internet opinions of "it's a common problem". Internet reviews represent a small proportion of actual users and sales.


It's amazing what happens when you accidentally kick a can down the road!

Well... After all that banter... I'm still interested in a DLC (having yet to find one)...

...errm.... Anyone got one?....

Bartsman said:
Anyone got one?....


I guess you mean for sale?

Ths has been the most hi-jacked thread I have ever seen - or can recall, anyway. Your patience with us has been exemplary, Bartsman - thank you.
A possibility, Matty ........ I just received a DLC that showed signs of its second hand provenence, including a small area of discolouration - a purple haze on the surface, not unlike your DLC head.

I gave it a short bath in 3G Scale Away (on-line, B&Q; hardware stores) foam and then had at it gently with a toothbrush. All clean and matt black now - purple haze bit included.

Worth a go on yours? Perhaps other lime scale remover would also work.
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