What did/does your old fella smell like?

fish & rollups and occasionally motor oil (during my early childhood) though i do recall him always having horrendous smelling feet (boat bilges and constant wear of waders)
Can't really remember, but he always seemed to have a bottle of something called 'Pagan Man' don't know what it smells like, might ask him if he still has any when i see him this weekend.

Rebul Lavander Cologne. Rebul is a really good quality cologne maker in turkey and this Lavander cologne is great and they are bit more pricey then other colognes but it has great lavender smell with 80 degrees alcohol.
My old man had had a beard for almost as long as I can remember so I can only recollect I think Old Spice and for special occasions some Chanel stuff I think it was.

As I was growing up I always remember the smell of the Gauloise and the ST Bruno he used to smoke up until I was around 10 or 12, there has always been the scent of decent wine and single malt around in his house and of course good coffee even when I was a kid. The other smell I always associate with him is that of grilled kippers as he loves them but my stepmother hates the smell so he doesn't get to have them often, but they were always his preferred breakfast, even when microwaved in a jug of water the damn things reek lol.
Did every dad in Britain smell of Old Spice? I know mine did/does. Plus in the 70s before he packed smoking up it was Old Holborn rollups. As a kid in single digits I used to get sent to the newsagents for a 1/2 ounce of Old Holborn - changed days eh?!
Suds oil, roll ups, woodbines and mild ale on a weekend. M & B Ansell's Batham's or Banks in those days. Took me ages as a teenager to covert him to bitter.
Welding fumes, furnaces and occasionally at weekends Denim or Old Spice. I do remember seeing an old Aramis bottle in the bathroom cabinet as a kid but I've no idea how it smells. He wasn't big on smells, still isn't.
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