Well Helloooo Again....

Hi folks,

Back again after a lengthy sabbatical but I won't bore you with the details. By 'eck this place looks proper swish now. Too posh for commoners like me but I'll try, I will try. Actually, I am very trying or so I've been told. Right then, several conditions to my return: please don't make me buy anymore shaving crap and no more expensive brogues, watches, etc, etc.

It'll be good to read the wacky thoughts of Messrs Dodgy, Vinny and others of that ilk once more. Ahh, Martin and his monkeys. How are the troop, me old yankee bean?

Good day to one and all and nice to be back. And yes, I will behave......honest. :rolleyes:
Thanks folks, so humbling...

WOOOOOOFFFF! And incontinence to you too, AD. Nice to be back - now where did I put those Gillette Swedes you so kindly gave me?

UB, just about to pop up and make a pot of tea. Must warm the pot you know, what, what! I'll try not to spit it all over my screen at the often hilarious comments on here.

Me Ingram stash is severely depleted - down to one tube tube but I've found a local stockist so when funds allow I'll stock up again. Mater kindly buys me a Palmolive stick or two when she's in Tesco and I've plenty other software in stock.

I'm shocked at you, Rob. Swearing, me? As if.....

Bugger me, Carl's a moderator! Run for the hills!!! Well done owd lad, I'll be good (ish). And thanks.

BigBoar, bluster and wit, eh? More like sheister and sh*t but I'll give it a go.

Steve, remember not silly and not even Billy.....ok? :rolleyes:

Thanks Jamie, you've allus been good to me on here. Long live our Welsh brethren and may they always be victorious on the Rugby field except against Scotland which they usually are anyway.

Cheers, nick_s, Smiler, MrK1, p.b. and good old globalm.

If I've left anyone out it's 'cos you're all city bankers....:D
Hi folks,

Back again after a lengthy sabbatical but I won't bore you with the details. several conditions to my return: please don't make me buy anymore shaving crap.
Good day to one and all and nice to be back. And yes, I will behave......honest. :rolleyes:

Hey Big G, been a while eh?

Glad to see you on the upswing and I hope it lasts a long time buddy. I won't tempt you with any shaving crap related stuff. Oh, does that include vintage Old Spice wonderfulness?

Type at you later,

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