Unhelpful sevice OSP

Hi all

Just wanted to update on what I consider to be a poor service.

I noted some nice OSP Neroli sgaving soap and cologne.

In looking to order and checking the price i noted there was a 15% discount. On seeing that you could only pay by paypal (which I dont like).

On emailing to clarify how else i could pay, i received a curt response to the effect of 'how did I get that price'.

I explained it was on the website to be told it wasnt correct and if i wanted to go ahead at a higher price to let them know.

The tone of the response was enough to say no thanks by me.

This may be a really nice soap ( havent tried it) but with customer service as poor as that, I wouldnt be buying from them.

Truefitt and Hill they are not! ( which regardless of how much you spend, your treated very well).
Hi all

Just wanted to update on what I consider to be a poor service.

I noted some nice OSP Neroli sgaving soap and cologne.

In looking to order and checking the price i noted there was a 15% discount. On seeing that you could only pay by paypal (which I dont like).

On emailing to clarify how else i could pay, i received a curt response to the effect of 'how did I get that price'.

I explained it was on the website to be told it wasnt correct and if i wanted to go ahead at a higher price to let them know.

The tone of the response was enough to say no thanks by me.

This may be a really nice soap ( havent tried it) but with customer service as poor as that, I wouldnt be buying from them.

Truefitt and Hill they are not! ( which regardless of how much you spend, your treated very well).
I am very surprised to hear of your experience, I have bought many shaving soaps from him and on occasion asked for advise as to what I may like and I have always recevied a quick and polite response from him. Yours has been the first complaint I have heard regarding James at OSP .
I notice you are talking about the tone of the response in the email, I've always found it difficult to gauge the tone of a text or email unless the wording made it quite obvious and with respect from what you have written ( his reply to you) could be read as if there was a tone or not , I think it's down to the person reading it at the time.
I believe that you believe that the email was " curt" and had a " tone" but as I've said, this is so unlike James who is normaly a very polite man and has a great deal of Time for his customers .
I am sorry you feel this way and I'm sure James would also.
It is a real shame if on the strength of this email you decide not to purchase soaps from him because they are top notch products and you would be missing out finding this out for yourself . I do hope you change your mind and reconsider. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Noted. As a reasonably intelligent person who has to read and write emails, on a number of issues, i'll accept it may only be me that senses a tone in a response to an email.

Mr MrK1, i didnt have to calculate anything the shops system did it, hence being given two different prices.

All in all, I was unhappy with the response and therefore may just rule it out despite all your comments.

Granted, they may be great products, but just not for me.

I think i'llnalso be very mindful in the future of making such posts, and keep whatever bad service I feel i've had to myself.
Im not saying they have, so i dont know why your getting stressed. I did mention it in response to james,but didnt feel it necessary to give a 4 email dialogue. I was trying to gauge opinion and have done so from the responses i have had.
I'm new to some of these products, so wanted to contribute an opinion (perhaps wrongly) and also seek feedback, which i've had.

I honestly dont have one, and you dont know me.

Why dont you stick to discussing shaving products instead of attacking someone?

I didnt come on here to trade insults with people I came here to learn about shaving gear.

My suggestion would be to keep your insults to yourself. It's dead easy to attack someone from behind a phone or computer.

Stayed pickled and up north. Have a good day.
Sorry to hear about your problems. I've only dealt with James once so can't say whether it was a good or bad day for him at the time.

James might have a bug on his site though. I just tried to duplicate your results and got this:
15% discount just because I'm spending more than £1 seems very generous! James probably doesn't realise about this, hopefully because I've tagged him in the post he'll see it and realise his error! I've messaged him from his site as well so he can correct this before he gets fleeced

However, @OSP products are available at @Shaving Station http://www.shavingstation.co.uk/osp-neroli-shaving-soap-140g/ And if you enter the code TSR at the check out you'll get 7.5% discount to boot!

I hope this helps you out!
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@markmonaghan well done for keeping a level head (if that doesn't sound too patronising), and people should definitely report their experiences, both good or bad. Some of the reactions to your messages read a bit like overreactions, I agree, but TSR is a nice bunch of people, and I'm sure nothing is meant by it. You kept your cool, I hope you hang around :)

Nevertheless, I'll add to the chorus and say that OSP has been great for me too.
@markmonaghan well done for keeping a level head (if that doesn't sound too patronising), and people should definitely report their experiences, both good or bad. Some of the reactions to your messages read a bit like overreactions, I agree, but TSR is a nice bunch of people, and I'm sure nothing is meant by it. You kept your cool, I hope you hang around :)

Nevertheless, I'll add to the chorus and say that OSP has been great for me too.
Not all at thanks
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