Tefal Actifry.

Now I don't recall skate but sole, haddock, cod & bass for sure. Pollock maybe? I get the mushie pea thing from English ancestry on my Mother's side no doubt. That and Last of the Summer Wine. Mushie Peaskie!
Strangely enough I thought it was embra chippies that didn't have proper brown sauce - the last time I was at one they sold it in little packets. There's something about your chippies that's not right, but at least it's not Aberdeen with their dire ones.
Aye, its likely a case of what you're used to that ultimately guides your preferences. There was or still is, a braw (and cheap) wee chippie near Ibrox. Two big battered sausages in the sausage supper- can't remember the score but I remember the chips!

Sachet's in Edinburgh chippies? Heaven forbid! Must've been trying to be upmarket - one doesn't have sauce you know. :icon_rolleyes:

Used to love The Auld Toon Fryer in Peebles. Scotch eggs like Hielan' boulders. Nom, nom, nom!
Well we know you were honest about the lazy!!!!!
Not one word about advice on cleaning, maintaining a chip pan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Fish and peas Barm in Manchester - the second best thig to keep you fingers warm.
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