Tefal Actifry.

Essex, UK
Has anyone got one?

Our chip pan needs replacing, and my wife is thinking about the Tefal Actifry. The reviews on Amazon seem very mixed, and as they are not cheap I don't want to get one unless I think it will make decent chips. We are lazy and buy frozen chips, but to me they taste awful if done in the oven, they need to be fried.

Anyone got any evperience of them.

I'm of no help really as I have no experience, but only because I read such a lot of reports of them being prone to packing up. It seems the life expectancy is marginally longer than the warranty. However, as with all things, it's the unhappy people who make most noise - perhaps there are many more happy customers.
lloydedwards Wrote: In what way is "actifry" not an oven?
Lose the beard
That's my thoughts, which is why I'm after opinions of them.

You said you;
"but to me they taste awful if done in the oven, they need to be fried."
So I don't understand why you are asking for an opiniom on an oven,(a small expensive one with an automatic 'chip turner' - you said you're lazy, but how many hours will you have to work to pay for a gadget to open the oven door, turn the chips and close the oven door?)
You said they need to be fried, so I would have thought asking for opinions on Fryers would make more sense.
You've not said what "chip pan" you have, or if you use a thermometer/thermostst etc, and why a straight replacement isn't good enough.. You risk getting several "highly recommended" replies, because some people like the design and only use it four times a year and need it to look nice on the counter top. ...... I know, cos it happened to me (via SWMBO), I'm a former Chef/Lecturer). I loathe gadgets that have most effort and costs in their advertising and marketing.
Thanks Lloyd, I think you have answered my questions. What we need is either a new deep fat fryer, or me to properly clean the one we have.

We have a proper stainless steel one with good temp control and removable element to aid cleaning. I suppose I just need to get cleaning it.

To think I used to work in a chip shop ;)
The Tefal Actifryer is an oven.
The George Foreman Health Grill - is a frying pan.

And people queue up to get scammed by them :p

I like my george foreman - but on what planet could it be considered a grill? :)
Ruddy chips, I'm starving now!

We have an actifry that my Mother-in-Law bought, didn't like and gave to us. It gets used occasionally and the chips aren't bad at all buta decent oven cheap is often better. They smell kinda funny when they're on - not like chips cooking, frying, baking or whatever. My favourites are big chunky wedges wiped dry with a kitchen roll, put a bowl with a tablespoon of groundnut oil, a smidgen of salt and or smoked paprika (or is it Chili powder - very distinctive stuff in blue Bart bottle maybe). Mix it all up and bang in the oven till golden brown and cooked through. Braw!
Sorry, you want a wedgie? Right, me an' the boys'll be over shortly....

Apologies, couldn't resist - gutter humour again. :angel:
Ah, home grown spuds...

Only usually have the room do a wee drop earlies but with fresh butter..... you can keep your chips!
I only grow earlies, (Arran Pilot) but had a bumper crop this year so left some in the ground. Not sure how well they are going to keep bit they make lovely Roast Tatties for Sunday Dinner
Halk said:
I think he means a Weegie, as in he prefers a proper chippy rather than your awful ones over your side of the country.

Oooooooo, hark at him! The west's very own Delia Smith of the chip world! Been to a few decent chippies through the west but......NO CHIPPIE BROON SAUCE! Disaster! We've a real belter in Penicuik, all fish cooked a la carte and a choice of several species. Magic chips too and a favourite of mine, though much more of an English thing I believe...mushy peas. :D

May the good lord ever preserve the cheap and nasty but magnificent chippie broon sauce!
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