
He does remind me of someone...


Death by pack of hounds it is then.
Isn't this the 2nd bite?
Personally I think he should be sacked and prosecuted, if an employee of any other business bit someone while publicly representing them then it would be instant dismissal and the likelihood of charges being brought for assault would be high.

I really think this kind of conduct needs dealing with very firmly or it sends out the wrong signals both about sport and society.

If he were a dog then he'd be put to sleep!
Yes, enough is enough. He's caused many a scandal and had plenty of second chances so now it's time to sack him. Racist behaviour, unsporting behaviour and now physical assault of a disgusting nature. I wholeheartedly agree that he should be prosecuted and perhaps referred for psychiatric evaluation.
i would've lamped him one as well and i'm a Liverpool fan

never liked him since the way he carried on in the World Cup, shame is he can play a bit
IanM said:
UKRob said:
Fido said:
Life or the electric chair?

Compulsory false teeth (to be removed on match days) would be my sentence.

I'm amazed that Ivanovic didn't react and cause Suarez to NEED false teeth.


Avoided this all day, as I wasn't able to watch this yesterday and have just finished watching it.

Ian, it shows Ivanovic to be the ultimate professional, unlike Suarez, I can't believe he managed to restrain himself to just a push to get his assaultor off, where as most of the population would have tore his head off!

He should be fitted with a Hannibal Lecter type leather face mask before each game!

Joking aside, what I cannot understand is why he is not being treated more severely by his club and why he isn't being charged by the police for assault. If any of us bit someone in the street, I rather think that we'd be made to answer charges so why is this any different? So what if the bugger can kick a ball around and has a bit of skill? That is no excuse and quite frankly I view him at the same level as shite stuck to an unfortunate shoe. To think that he views any potential ban of more than three games as excessive is completely ludicrous and severely galling. Liverpool - sack the idiot, get him charged and move on. That will send a strong signal to up and coming young players and existing footballing professionals that his sort have no place in ANY sport.

Before anyone says that I'd love to have him play for my lowly club, please be assured that whilst I'd love someone with his skill to play for my team, I wouldn't touch him with several barge poles or go near him with a pack of starved wolves.
It saddens me deeply that a club who have what I regard to be a relatively honourable past are throwing it away by indulging Suarez. I was surprised when they bought him - I had to check that it was the same player who was sent off in the World Cup quarters for handball and then was seen smirking hideously without even the merest hint of guilt. To me that was not the Liverpool way.
His time in Holland was pockmarked with acts that would be considered heinous in general life and the regularity with which he manages to sink to previously unplumbed depths of behaviour almost beggars belief. Graeme is right - where are the police on this one? Biting someone is a criminal offence. I don't believe it would need a complaint from anyone - after all it is the Crown that prosecutes, and the police don't wait for a complaint before they pick up someone on a Saturday night for brawling. His behaviour is bad, the lack of reaction from Liverpool is even worse and but what exacerbates everything to levels that are almost intolerable is the fact that he shows absolutely no contrition, no sense that he has done wrong. That is why he needs to be punished by the law of the land in which he earns his living and also by the club with whom he has a contract.
Alas the football culture in this country is so hideously bloated, with values so skewed away from decency, morals and the ability to understand simple right or wrong that I very much doubt anything of a significant magnitude will be meted out.
He is an adult and his actions have overstepped the boundaries of what constitutes acceptable behaviour in our society. There should be sanctions for that. It matters not a jot that he is a fine footballer, in as much as it would not matter a jot if an excellent, say, radiographer, bit someone in the line of their work. They would be arrested and sentenced, and I daresay would lose their job.

There we are, that's what I think.

Gairdner said:
Joking aside, what I cannot understand is why he is not being treated more severely by his club and why he isn't being charged by the police for assault.
If any of us bit someone in the street, I rather think that we'd be made to answer charges so why is this any different?

Public complaints were made so Ivanovic had to be questioned by the police, he didn't receive any physical injuries and didn't want to prosecute, it was no different at all except the incident was watched by tens of millions.

Gairdner said:
So what if the bugger can kick a ball around and has a bit of skill? That is no excuse and quite frankly I view him at the same level as shite stuck to an unfortunate shoe. To think that he views any potential ban of more than three games as excessive is completely ludicrous and severely galling. Liverpool - sack the idiot, get him charged and move on. That will send a strong signal to up and coming young players and existing footballing professionals that his sort have no place in ANY sport.

You're not that naive are you Graeme? Any "signal" sent will be tomorrow's chip paper, Suarez is a valuable asset which is why the club are protecting him. If they sacked him for gross misconduct he'd be a free agent and snapped up by the highest bidder (in wages) pronto without the club getting any renumeration whatsoever, that's £35 million + walking straight out the door. It'll never ever happen...Chelsea are still chasing Mutu for damages after sacking him for breach of contract in 2005 when they caught him with toot in his system. Taking the moral high ground sure is easier from the armchair when it costs you nowt. ;)
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