Spring Marathons / Half Marathons


Woburn Sands, Bucks
Anyone out there entered any spring running events? I've entered the Warwick Half Marathon which is just over 8 weeks away. Bloomin' cold training at the moment, but all going well so far... nearly a stone dropped since mid December and getting some good mileage under my belt. Targetting a 1hr 45m finish, so need to keep that motivation high.

I have to say that an early morning run followed by a hot shower and a nice relaxing shave whilst listening to the radio is difficult to beat.

Good luck to anyone who has the balls to go for the full 26 miles - that's awesome.

Bye for now...

I'll be doing the Lochaber marathon on April 14th and then the Edinburgh marathon on May 26th. Last Glasgow half marathon time was 1hr 42 and best marathon time has been 4 hrs 6mins
majortom said:
I'll be doing the Lochaber marathon on April 14th and then the Edinburgh marathon on May 26th. Last Glasgow half marathon time was 1hr 42 and best marathon time has been 4 hrs 6mins

That's great running. I was in Glasgow yesterday and it's very hilly. I could feel my calves burning! Lochaber must be pretty stunning scenery. Good luck...

No marathons for me ... they just seem really boring.

Ex-Army mate of mine wants to do some kind of tough-man challenge.

Last year he ran 12 miles over ridiculous obstacles and through mud and freezing water. I think they even set him on fire and hit him with bottles. Took him over 3 hours.

FHM do a similar one in Nottingham so I might give it a look-see.

Also been looking at the Paras10 which is 10 miles with 35lb.
I ran a few half marathons in my younger days. Running any distance isn't for me any more, too much meccano in my leg nowadays. I have been out on the bike a few times already this year and am planning to do a lot more cycling this year to try and prevent any more weight gain.
joe mcclaine said:
No marathons for me ... they just seem really boring.

Ex-Army mate of mine wants to do some kind of tough-man challenge.

Last year he ran 12 miles over ridiculous obstacles and through mud and freezing water. I think they even set him on fire and hit him with bottles. Took him over 3 hours.

FHM do a similar one in Nottingham so I might give it a look-see.

Also been looking at the Paras10 which is 10 miles with 35lb.

These events certainly seem popular at the moment. Apparently there is a 50 mile race on Anglesey this weekend that will not be cancelled or postponed whatever the weather. I'll stick to 13 miles in relatively benign surroundings I think.
Dr Rick said:
Is that one of these "tough mudder" things, Vinny? They seem very popular with the crossfit and Paleo crowds.

Tough Mudder - that's the one he did, although his crowd were all squaddies.

He's from Oldham so he did the NW one.
Re: RE: Spring Marathons / Half Marathons

joe mcclaine said:
Dr Rick said:
Is that one of these "tough mudder" things, Vinny? They seem very popular with the crossfit and Paleo crowds.

Tough Mudder - that's the one he did, although his crowd were all squaddies.

He's from Oldham so he did the NW one.

I didn't know there'd been an Oldham one, despite it being on my doorstep - most of the crossfit and Paleo types I know are Americans, so that's most of what is hard about them, though the NW climate would be perfectly suited :).

I can see it would be meat and drink for squaddies, absolutely. Personally I'd probably die, or if not wish I had!
Havent entered anything but am considering it. If I do one I want it to be scenic rather than a City based one, so was considering the Loch Ness marathon. However 26m may be too far for my knees so I'm trying to do a few longer runs at the moment to see how they handle it. Id be confident on a half-marathon distance just finding the right one to do.
Bath half marathon for me in March and probably the Hastings later in the year.

A bit of suplementary training for my open water swimming competitions starting in May :)
jaycey said:
A bit of suplementary training for my open water swimming competitions starting in May :)

Always fancied a go at that myself. Is it just a case of finding a lake and jumping in with my Speedos and goggles on, or are there clubs and rules and stuff?
NotTheStig said:
I used to partake in a minimum of three or four marathons a week when I was younger. I think they're called Snickers now.

Aye, that's the only one I'll be doin'. Some nice nutty chocolate, a cup o' tea and a bit o' gairdnin' - fair braw. :D
joe mcclaine said:
jaycey said:
A bit of suplementary training for my open water swimming competitions starting in May :)

Always fancied a go at that myself. Is it just a case of finding a lake and jumping in with my Speedos and goggles on, or are there clubs and rules and stuff?

I'm quite fortunate here in London (N1) We have an heated outdoor 50mtr pool at London Fields, thats where I do my winter training. As soon as the water warms up a bit ~15oC I head over to Hampstead Heath Ponds.
I also try to get down to the Henley area of the Thames at weekends and jump in there for a swim along the river.

As far as rules and clubs goes I dont do clubs any more, far to serious! There is a Outdoor Swimming Society http://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com with some good advice.

As to "find a lake and jump in" yeah absolutely! come the summer if it's deep enough I do just that:)
There's a good book "Wild Swim" which is a good read and has a lot of good locations.
Also http://www.wildswimming.co.uk/wild-swim-map-uk/?multi_region=wild-swim-map-uk

I must admit...I do wear a wetsuit until the water temperature is up to about 18oC and wear it during the competitions as they give a lot of buoyancy & streamlining helping you swim faster;)

Go for it!
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