SOTD : Saturday 4th September to Friday 10th September 2021.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

@Mike Smart
@Paul L
@Palmolive fox

Appreciate it greatly.


Pre - Wilko Pre Shave Oil
Razor - Gillette Blue 2 Disposable
Soap - Some kind of Nivea gel/foam/goo
Post - Brut Musk

One of those days when I couldn't be bothered so I went for a can of goo, which I added a bit of water to make it slicker and it did the job.

Have a good Sunday chaps.
Sunday AM 2021-09-05
Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road' published on this date, 1957

Rooney 3/3 Porcelain Finest (26/59)
Ralph Lauren Safari shaving soap (tallow)
Haircut & Shave P076-SB 17-4/Triad Aristocrat Black
Wilkinson Sword 'New' (3)
Ralph Lauren Safari aftershave balm (vintage)
Gillette Tech English post-war BE (my favorite DE razor)
Gillette Astra SP (#1)
Turn 'N Shave Quarter Moon Tuxedo brush

Soap & matching AS:

Simple one pass shave w/ touch up and this soap simply has it all for a hot day shave!! :love:
This evening's shave is brought to you themed 'Along comes Mary's


Mary Quant - Occams Enoch
Bloody Mary - Titan mild
Queen Mary - Steven Jagger 30mm Cashmere
Mary Berry - Signature Soaps Londinium
Mary Whitehouse - Simple moisturiser
Mary Millington - Guerlain Homme

Mary had a little razor
Its handle all silver and Glammy
She often used it to shorn her sheep
And oft to shave her........

After last night's half baked shave it was nice to reach for something different and enjoy the rewards. These Enoch razors are real hidden little Gems. Get over the quirky blade loading, the shite blade securement and miraculously great shaves are there to be enjoyed. It shouldn't deliver, but it does. It is one of those which does very close without over stepping the mark. This evening was exactly that, close yet comfortable.

A great showing from the monster 30mm Cashmere and the Londinium even if a bit of a squeeze with the brush. @BrianH not only do you need nostalgic old tubs but they also need to be the size of a biscuit tin. Learn.

Altogether a smashing shave and a great way to start the week ahead. All shiny and glammy.

I am still trying to work this one out

Well you wonderful TSR people, I wish you a wonderful and safe week ahead and be seeing you around.

Until the next time you need something different. I was thinking of those appropriately named Japanese ladies, Mary's Blood, but bollocks to that one, too obvious. So have some of this from Chaos Anarchy

Her little lamb I guess
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