SOTD : Saturday 4th June - Friday 10th June 2022.

Sunday 5th June


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Boots Albany Mentholated (Vintage) Shaving Bowl
Razorock 400 Butterscotch w/Plissoft Noir Synthetic 24mm
Wilkinson Sword Sticky & Super Glide Platinum
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal (Vintage)


I'll be more impressed if you can find anything at all written about this brand of blade, which I found a straight-up 8.5ish out of 10. Sharp (enough) and certainly very smooth, like Personna Platinum Chrome kinda smooth (no, really) ... and I'm struggling to figure out where the heck it's come from. There is no hint on the packaging whose only other words are "Fusion with Smooth" on the front, something about "High Technology Swedish" and the very professional and the even classier on the back.

Any initial scratchiness was completely gone after a stroke or two on each side, absolutely revealing a blade that is right up there with Personna Platinum Chrome or the Super Shave X for smoothness. I literally could not feel the blade. There was no disappointing lack of bite, which it has sufficient but not to a degree that I would say sharp, but reiterate sharp (enough).

It does have a sub-continent feel to it in the packaging and I still struggle to figure out just where it's come from even with that in mind. I think there was some musing that Treet had something to do with it and it does have a very similar feel (again ... no, really) to the Treet Platinum, but it's not. Thinking across to Bangladesh, maybe it's a prototype of the Sharp line from Samah and I'm finding a lot of similarities there, but it is most like the Dollar Platinum, which we know is from SuperMax. Why they'd off-brand for a simple startup with nothing more than a hotmail account, I don't know.

Still, impressed!

Buy again ... unlikely, as the platinum from SuperMax most definitely pips it on class; the Sharp brand pips it on sharpness for simiar smoothness and the Treet Platinum way outclasses it ... all blades very available and cheap. But, if I was stranded with a pack of these I would certainly enjoy my shaves while it lasted.

Oh, and gosh! That Albany soap is sublime ... as is a splash of vintage Veg, sweeter and less surgical spirit than the current market offering.
Prep: Myrsol Masaje Antesol
Bowl: Saponificio Varesino Olive Wood
Brush: Semogue Owner Club Boar Olive Wood
Soap: Mondua Mandarino e Spezie
Razor: Blackland Vector OC SS
Blade: Kai Captain Sharp Blade
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Myrsol Masaje Antesol


Best Regards
SOTD: 05/06/2022

Razor: Yaqi Excalibur
Blade: Kai Titan Mild Pink , 4th use
Brush: Yaqi Freedom Italian Flag 24mm Cashmere
Preshave: Bart’s Balm Preshave Sample Oil
Soap: Proraso Green Puck
Aftershave: Proraso Green Aftershave
Balm: Bart’s Balm Sample Balm

Fabulous final shave in the caravan, from the week away. Glad to be back though to the den to give some of my other razors a run out!
Mon 6 SOTD
Soap Signature Soaps Hibernia
Brush Yaqi 24mm Cavern Lake 2 Band Badger
Razor GEM Clog Pruf
Blade GEM PTFE 8th Use
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel Wintergreen + Signature Soaps Hibernia Splash
Awesome soap qualities. Just a little turns into an epic creamy and slick lather...whip-up easily with the excellent brush!
Missed using the GEM razors and blade. Today's shave with the razor paired with the blade was very good. 3 smooth and comfortable passes for a bbs/dfs finish...The matching aftershave was the scent!
SOTD 06-June
Brush: C&H 'Braizier' Gealousy SHD
Soap: B&M Sandalwood
Razor: WR2 1.25
Blade: GSB (2)
Post: B&M Sandalwood AS

Good shave again, with the gap on this I decided change up the angle a bit and ride the guard. Unsurprisingly it smoothed up even more, it shouldn't have but it did surprise me that it didn't seem to lose any of its efficiency. Very good finish so happy days. I can only imagine what the higher gaps are like that seem to be the fad at the moment, though this seems to be more than enough for me.

Hope everyone has a grand kick off to the week.


SOTD 06-June
View attachment 88975
Brush: C&H 'Braizier' Gealousy SHD
Soap: B&M Sandalwood
Razor: WR2 1.25
Blade: GSB (2)
Post: B&M Sandalwood AS

Good shave again, with the gap on this I decided change up the angle a bit and ride the guard. Unsurprisingly it smoothed up even more, it shouldn't have but it did surprise me that it didn't seem to lose any of its efficiency. Very good finish so happy days. I can only imagine what the higher gaps are like that seem to be the fad at the moment, though this seems to be more than enough for me.

Hope everyone has a grand kick off to the week.


among the high-end razors it is the only one I miss to try. Indeed not I tried the BBS times ago .
But seeing around very high gaps with which many say they shave daily, there are two possibilities : either it is not true that they use it every day ( or many have leather skin) or after waiting 1 year and spent a lot of money they say go fine even if it isn't .
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