SOTD Saturday 26th November - Friday 2nd December 2016


Wednesday 30th November 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: Le Coq
Blade: L'Essor
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
Soap: Speick Stick
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDP: Aramis Perfume Calligraphy Rose

This was only my second shave with this razor although I have owned it for months, my first shave with it was so awful I said I would never use it again. Today I had a rethink, the razor has not become any less aggressive but I used a blade made of softer steel that takes a more forgiving edge and that helped quite a bit. Whilst I managed a really close shave this razor is not a pleasure to use, it is ludicrously aggressive way more than any of my other 'wedge' blade razors, in fact it makes the 2011 R41 feel like a Tech, I can honestly say that my couple of straight razors feel gentler on the face then this. I think the head geometry of this razor just is not right for a safety razor and nothing can be done (that I can see) to improve it.



Pre-Shave: Cypriotian Olive/Argan Oil soap, cold water
Razor: BBS-1
Blade: Ladas (1)
Brush: Paladin Lotus
Lather: Stirling Bay Rum
Post-shave: Alum, Australian Private Reserve Les Généraux du Grand Livre​
November 30, 2016
Wolfman WR-01 Ti OC with Hempel Ti
CH2 Synthetic Jade LE “Tres Amigos Dos”
Route 66 Twisted Tweed
Witch Hazel
Cool Water EdT

Another very good shave to end the month. Another consistent near BBS shave this morning. After using the Wolfman OC with increased blade gap for the entire month, I must say it is an exceptionally smooth and efficient razor. With the exception of 2 days I have used a Simpson CH2 Synthetic for each of the shaves this month. While I do have other synthetics the CH2 Synthetic is by far my favorite synthetics and some of my favorites period. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
Rocnel & Permasharp 1/2 (#1 and out);
The Art of Shaving handmade Silvertip, XL;
The Art of Shaving, Sandalwood shaving cream;
Aqua Velva Musk;
The Art of Shaving after shave lotion, 'Unscented'.


Pretty cold here in the quiet north suburbs of Athens, Greece (7 deg C/45 deg. F) and a very nice mild shave which was followed by super-tasty lunch (home made spinach + feta cheese pie).
Rocnel & Permasharp 1/2 (#1 and out);
The Art of Shaving handmade Silvertip, XL;
The Art of Shaving, Sandalwood shaving cream;
Aqua Velva Musk;
The Art of Shaving after shave lotion, 'Unscented'.


Pretty cold here in the quiet north suburbs of Athens, Greece (7 deg C/45 deg. F) and a very nice mild shave which was followed by super-tasty lunch (home made spinach + feta cheese pie).

Mmmm....that looks tasty, your making me hungry.
Wednesday 30th
Zenith 506A TS Synthetic
NSS 'The Beef' Lemon, Basil & Mandarin (Test)
Gillette Slim Adjustable #9
SuperMax Blue Diamond #1
Alum > Rinse > Duru Lemon Cologne
Laura Aq Cream Moisturiser
Blue Stratos EDT

Dry brush into the soft soap and face lathered. Nanny's tallow soap sure performs well. Another thing that performed well was the SuperMax blade. Smooth and silky result. So good, I've flipped the blade over in the adjustable ready for my next save.

Hope your shaves were as good - See you later :)
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