SOTD : Saturday 21st August to Friday 27th August 2021

SOTD 23/08/21 – Tallow + Steel Cognac Soap and Aftershave / Shavemac 24mm Cashmere / Above The Tie R1 / Gillette Wilkinson Sword

Monday 23rd August


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Old Spice (Vintage) Shaving Soap
VieLong American Style w/Haryali Synthetic 20mm
Yaqi AC (AKA Raster) w/Red Horseman Swing Handle
Feather Professional (2)
Old Spice (Vintage) Aftershave

The unobtainium is strong in this one ...

Wow! What a shave! Genuine 10/10 and sitting here now, a real face stroker. Actually, since snapping the picture I swapped out the handle for my Red Horseman Swing handle, which is a gentle, sweeping stem with a bulbous base.

Wow! What an absolute joy to use the vintage Old Spice kit, something which I really should do more often but would that somehow make it less special? Fun, too noting how small the knot is in my re-knotted brush. We're so used to big frothers now, 24mm, 26mm and even 28mm, that a lowly 22mm (as I first thought, before looking it up) ... no, 20mm is so often overlooked. Gents! Look right at the back of your Shave Den and pull out an older/smaller brush and re-acquant yourself.

Lovely, that!
Monday 23rd August


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Old Spice (Vintage) Shaving Soap
VieLong American Style w/Haryali Synthetic 20mm
Yaqi AC (AKA Raster) w/Red Horseman Swing Handle
Feather Professional (2)
Old Spice (Vintage) Aftershave

The unobtainium is strong in this one ...

Wow! What a shave! Genuine 10/10 and sitting here now, a real face stroker. Actually, since snapping the picture I swapped out the handle for my Red Horseman Swing handle, which is a gentle, sweeping stem with a bulbous base.

Wow! What an absolute joy to use the vintage Old Spice kit, something which I really should do more often but would that somehow make it less special? Fun, too noting how small the knot is in my re-knotted brush. We're so used to big frothers now, 24mm, 26mm and even 28mm, that a lowly 22mm (as I first thought, before looking it up) ... no, 20mm is so often overlooked. Gents! Look right at the back of your Shave Den and pull out an older/smaller brush and re-acquant yourself.

Lovely, that!

I own a few synths with 26mm knots, but I find them on the face to be MASSIVE. It's like putting my face into a mop!

My favourite and most used synth is my 22mm Yaqi. I have a few smaller Omega boars both with 22mm knots as well which I like using, I find myself using them more than the larger Omega boars I own.
I own a few synths with 26mm knots, but I find them on the face to be MASSIVE. It's like putting my face into a mop!

My favourite and most used synth is my 22mm Yaqi. I have a few smaller Omega boars both with 22mm knots as well which I like using, I find myself using them more than the larger Omega boars I own.
I remember when I fitted a 23mm into a vintage Mohawk handle thinking it was positively enormous! 23mm :LOL:
I remember when I fitted a 23mm into a vintage Mohawk handle thinking it was positively enormous! 23mm :LOL:

What knot did you use? Bizarre to think 23mm as a large knot now, I'd say most brushes in SOTD posts are 24/26mm and beyond.

I think eventually smaller brushes will regain some popularity, but I can't see the demand for 28mm+ beasts ending anytime soon!
Razor = Rockwell 6s ( 5 )
Blade = Gillette Silver Blue ( 3 )
Brush = PAA Solar Flare 24mm Synthetic
Soap = House Of Mammoth HYGGE
with matching Balm
Splash = Nivea 2 Phase

Well what a brilliant shave today with the face feeling luxurious & soft.
You know every shave is guys are saying what a brilliant shave we had then all of a sudden one comes along just to top the rest and this was it for me today.
These PAA synthetics are class however if i has to have one downside to this shave
i think i should have went with a Badger or Boar, Thats not a reflection on the Solar Flare it’s just a feeling i had.
Anyone that’s not tried a 6s should really give one a go.
Stay Safe Boys
Onwards & Upwards.
i can’t wait for another 12 hour shift tomorrow :(

What knot did you use? Bizarre to think 23mm as a large knot now, I'd say most brushes in SOTD posts are 24/26mm and beyond.

I think eventually smaller brushes will regain some popularity, but I can't see the demand for 28mm+ beasts ending anytime soon!
It was a PurTech from Virginia Sheng.


Front Left (my burgeoning synthetic collection circa March 2015)... actually fat right, that Muhle is a 23mm.

Warm rinse and Proraso Green pre-shave cream
TOBS Eton College cream
Yaqi Rainbow synthetic brush
Claymore V1
Schick Proline (7)
Warm/cold rinse, Thayers Unscented, Epsilon Blue aftershave and Barts Balm Peppermint balm

I never posted last Friday’s SOTD as I had a bit of a mishap right under my nose after losing concentration with my R41 loaded with a Feather. It wasn’t a bad slice but it bloody felt it. One of those that you can probably let go of the razor and it’ll still hang from your face. Then when you move the blade away you whisper FFS whilst waiting patiently for the flow of claret. Managed another 2 passes though and got a DFS but the styptic pencil was called for. A few expletives were quietly shouted.

However tonight’s shave was a joy, even when scraping over the scar.

3 incident and trouble free passes with a lovely smooth finish.

Damn this chore……can’t wait for next time!

Have a great evening folks.
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