SOTD Saturday 19th November to Friday 25th November 2016

Prep: Musco Real Preshave Oil
Bowl: Fine
Brush: Rubberset 400-3 with Nathan Clark Envy White
Soap: Musco Real
Razor: Razorock Wunderbar Slant on Stork RWD TI Handle
Blade: Rapira Super Stainless
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Musco Real

Best Regards
Last edited:
View attachment 22134 SOTD Tuesday 22nd November

Razor...Ever Ready Lightweight
Blade...Gem #1
Brush...Semogue 1305
Post...Thayers Lavender AF

My first use with the lightweight and I have to say it was nothing short of fantastic , much like using the G Bar, gave me a really close shave without irritation, those Gem blades are great.
The Semogue 1305 whipped up a wonderful lather from the Tabac soap as expected, it's a great little brush.

Wishing you well.
Classic old school shave. Nice!
2 days off, call last night claiming the world has ended. Better get a shave to look smooth as I return to save it and stop peoples over dramatic performances.

Pre: Water
Soap: Cella
Razor: R41
Blade: Derby Premium 1
Post: Eucalyptus Witch Hazel and 100% Argan oil
AS: Vera Wang

Went to cock on the prep. In the shower and remembered I didn't leave the soap to bloom or my brush soaking.

2 days of growth so needed the big guns in the shape of the R41, also forgot to bring soap from my cache in the bedroom so had to use Cella as it was still in the bathroom from the last shave.

R41 performance is fantastic with the Derby Premium. BBS and ready to slap any hysterical people across the face.
2 days off, call last night claiming the world has ended. Better get a shave to look smooth as I return to save it and stop peoples over dramatic performances.

Pre: Water
Soap: Cella
Razor: R41
Blade: Derby Premium 1
Post: Eucalyptus Witch Hazel and 100% Argan oil
AS: Vera Wang

Went to cock on the prep. In the shower and remembered I didn't leave the soap to bloom or my brush soaking.

2 days of growth so needed the big guns in the shape of the R41, also forgot to bring soap from my cache in the bedroom so had to use Cella as it was still in the bathroom from the last shave.

R41 performance is fantastic with the Derby Premium. BBS and ready to slap any hysterical people across the face.
Good luck with the day ahead pal.
Salutations TSR


Soap - The Fat
Brush - RazoRock Plissoft 24mm synth
Face lather
Razor - 1951 Gillette Superspeed
Blade - Astra SP #2
Post - Thayer's, Fine Platinum a/s
Smell - Encre Noire EdT

Happy as a pig in wotsit; alternating between SE and DE; badger/boar/synthetic; soap and cream. Bliss. The agony of choice, and all that.

The Fat, as always, is up there with the best (imho, of course). Lovely post-shave feel; especially when you need it in colder weather.
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