SOTD : Saturday 15th May to Friday 21st May 2021.

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A conflation of my last three three shaves - I had been generously gifted a sample of TDS Semyonich by @Paul L and wanted to get a decent idea of what it is like before venturing an opinion.

Razors - ATT Alu Caypso M (Wizamet Polsilver) or Karve Alu C plate (Feather)
Brushes - Simpson Trafalfar T2 or Semogue 2000 boar or Chubby 1 best
soap - TDS Semyonich
post - witch hazel
a/s - Nivea Sensitive alcohol free
balm - none needed or used.

All good - I enjoyed using the soap very much - top notch. I don't think anybody has questioned the quality of the base but - on the other hand - the scent seems to divide the body of the kirk. In my opinion, it is a bit odd at first but it really grew on me and I ended up enjoying it. Much time has been spent trying to describe, unpick the scent and below is my attempt at it.:) Enjoy your shaves - one and all - cheers - I.

Chernobyl in the spring.....

Pripyat, to be precise. Wolf cubs roll and play in the over-grown remains of a children’s swing park – as human youngsters did thirty five years before. Vegetation is taking back over – soon metal and concrete will no longer be visible; nature is healing her wounds. A great irony resulting of this example of human hubris is that one of the biggest nature reserves in Europe has been created; a thousand square miles of woodland rapidly returning to a virgin state. One of the most bio-diverse places on the continent. Bison, elk, boar and bear wander without intervention. Let us go deeper into the woods....

The air is heavy with the smell of trees and soil - moist, damp and fecund. We are almost upon the structure before we recognise it as the work of human hands – logs set above a natural hollow, covered with mounds of fir branches – as camouflage and weatherproofing. There is a partially concealed opening at one end – more like the entrance to an animal’s den than a door. We enter.

It is almost impenetrably dark inside – our nose might be a better guide to the contents and its owner. The single shaft of light that penetrates, illuminates an army issue field jacket; battered and torn, covered in sulphurous smelling bloodstains. The patches are still visible – Soviet VDV – Alfa – 10th Group Kiev Oblast. Spetsnaz paratroopers.

The walls are rough-hewn pine, fragrant resin crystalising in droplets; gaps caulked with handfuls of oakmoss to stop the draught, a tar-paper roof makes it watertight. A powerful smell of kerosene – both from a lamp and also a burner underneath a homemade still – the produce no doubt a greater danger to him than anything the Mujaheddin or Chechens could have devised. A rag impregnated with gun oil hangs next to weapons suspended from the wall – many more than might be needed for solely hunting. A saucer of camphor oil; used as an insect repellant. Our eyes are a little better acclimatised now and it is noticeable that the mats of spruce branches that cover the floor are fresh, having been cut recently – very recently. It is time to go; to be found violating the sanctuary of someone that has taken this much trouble to avoid human contact will not end well.

That's what Semyonich smells like. :LOL:
Almost wish I'd put it in my basket with the others now:love:

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Boar
Soap: Proraso Red
Razor: Merkur Mergress (2.5)
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (1)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, DR Harris Sandalwood Aftershave Lotion

One of those classics that I had never got around to trying - Proraso Red. Loved it - warm, inviting sandalwood scent and great performance.
Cracking shave with BBS result.
Tue 18th May

Simpson Chubby 1- Maggards ED2band
Monsavon au lait
Yaqi Excalibur- Super Knurl Handle
Schick Proline ( 4 )
Lea Balsam A/S balm

Just completed my Fourth consecutive Shave with the Yaqi. Turning out to be a great Daily Shaver , excellent close finish without any problems during or post Shave.Might not be S/S but would be a good choice for someone wanting to try AC/SE especially if they can get a head only, as is good with a conventional handle.

The guy's a phoney. Patched his jacket with nonmatching insignia :)
Ha ha - I knew someone was going to pull me on that! In fairness to myself, I did do some research but it is a densely labyrinthine subject - doubly so if you can't read Russian - or Ukrainian for that matter. I was aiming more for atmosphere rather than accurate military history. :) :) - I.
Oh my what a scent ..couldn’t wait to try these and now I can’t wait to add the Edp to finish the whole experience. Hands down my favourite scent it smells even better than the soap just delightful ! The Boker was a dream to shave with once again, I’m just blown away by this one. Super smooth and smelling the best I ever have
Ha ha - I knew someone was going to pull me on that! In fairness to myself, I did do some research but it is a densely labyrinthine subject - doubly so if you can't read Russian - or Ukrainian for that matter. I was aiming more for atmosphere rather than accurate military history. :) :) - I.

I get it. And you managed to recreate a really vibrant atmosphere, kudos for that.

But mixing KGB (Alpha) and Soviet Army (VDV) on one's chest is akin to an amalgam of RN and BA. Or even worse for that matter :)
Tuesday AM 2021-05-18
'Dracula' by Bram Stoker published this date, 1897

Rooney Emillion 2 Porcelain-Jade Finest (24/55)
Asylum Royal Fougère shaving soap (tallow)
Haircut & Shave P076-SB Copper/H&S Black
Wilkinson London Bridge (8)
Asylum Royal Fougère aftershave

The soap required some work but made a very good lather, and it and the aftershave have an excellent English Fern-type scent..
Prep: warm shower then Proraso red pre shave cream
Blade- Gillette Nacet#4
Razor- Rockwell 6S plate R4
Brush- Semogue HD Boar
Soap- Signature Soaps Hibernia
ASB- proraso protective
Moisturiser-Kiehl's Facial Fuel
The scent of Hibernia reminded me of the orange tree blossom in Murcia , southern Spain in May - exuberant, generous , hopeful. Not a scent I'd associate with Scotland but global warming/ wetting may change that. I'm thinking of making a soap for myself..nipped into Holland and Barratt last week,made for the essential oil display and was immediately lost. Like the idea of a pine forest scented soap( pine essential oil, cedar oil, maybe some rosemary) . But how am I going to create a soap with slick lather and great moisturiser qualities like Hibernia ???
Prep: Shower with Baxter’s of California Daily face wash.
Pre: Baxter’s of California Shave Tonic
Soap: Executive Shave Citrus Kiss
Brush: Omega #625 silver tip badger.
Razor: Pearl Flexi
Blade: Persona Viking Sword
Post: Alum, Baxter’s of California Shave Tonic and Baxter’s aftershave balm.
Another BBS shave with the Flexi even though I pushed it to a higher setting than normal to test it and the blade out, it handled them both easily.
The citrus kiss creates a wonderful lather, it smells lovely though it does feel and smell like I’ve dipped my face in a key lime pie!


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In the words of my younger granddaughter this shave was themed 'Granddad, you're rubbish'. And I am


R89 ATT Colossus handle
Razorock 400
Alvarez Gomez Barberia
Alvarez Gomez Colonia

This past week or so has hammered me. Worked in to the ground and now in to the wonderful world of probate and conveyance so very little time to write my usual shit. So I haven't.

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah

But things are looking to be heading in the right direction and time in the future will be found.

You poor souls

Shave? Great and a nice return to some of my early and well loved classics.

Always time for some pretty Japanese ladies though

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