SOTD : Saturday 14th August to Friday 20th August 2021

Monday AM 2021-08-16
National Chameleon Day

Rooney 1/2 Faux Horn Finest (24/50)
Acqua di Parma Colonia shaving soap (original)
Wilkinson Bonded System (9)
Acqua di Genova 1853 aftershave
A Lake District travel shave.

I have to be honest I'm not entirely sure which Gillette razor this is. Had a couple left in my washbag from when I travelled with work prior to lockdown 1. It's a twin blade, and to be fair - it provided a reasonable shave. Two passes - WTG and XTG as I normally would with a Tech.

On this break I really just fancied bringing some travel products as opposed to worrying about losing a razor or which soap to choose. I'm a massive fan of Palmer's Cocoa Moisturiser - so finding a dinky travel bottle - there was much rejoicing

Monday 16th August

Soap • Signature Soaps Coria
Brush • Yaqi 24mm Tuxedo
Razor • Blackland Vector
Blade • Kai Protouch MG (2)
Post • Blue Stratos Aftershave

Vector & Protouch MG blade seem a very good pairing, smooth all the way.
One thing to note - the blade post slots don't allow the blade to just 'drop' in to position, a little guidance is needed to get the blade seated. Once in position it sits evenly.
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