SOTD : Saturday 11 September to Friday 17 September 2021.

PS-Turkish Bar Soap
Brush-Istanbul Handout
Soap-Nivea Crema (Spanish)*
Razor-Yates Hybrid**
AS-Nivea Balm
AAS-Tea Tree Diluted

*Bought in Spain before Covid. Excellent travel cream and cost pennies. I've never seen an English version.

**I’ve quite a few US exotics but this is probably my favourite of the bunch. Nice long handle and another good “nose” razor.

Gillette Aristocrat #22, Rapira Swede
Simpsons Berkeley 46 Best @isaiah53 :sneaky:
Vitos Red
Vintage Shulton Old Spice
Boots Freshwood ASB

Great soap this but not as great as MWF. Still, I’m rather glad I bought a litre brick a few years back. This older Berkeley holds a deceptively large amount of lather for its size - I had been thinking of moving it on as I prefer larger knots but this wee softie is staying put. Onwards and upwards, chaps!
Monday 13th September


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
The mighty Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap
Semogue SOC w/Blonde Boar 24mm
Gillette Hybrid Tech w/Weber Bulldog Handle
Treet Falcon (2)
Pashana Original Aftershave

Ahhhh ... isn't carbon steel just the best?
brush: grizzly bay fanchurian
Soap: Stirling deep blue sea
Blade: GEM ptfe
Razor: the one that shall not be named
Post: proraso red asl

well well. Quite an aggressive gem razor - unfortunately I’m not allowed to disclose what it is since it’s a prototype that might not hit mass production… I went with most aggressive setup on it and well - it is really aggressive! 3 passes for bbs but at cost of overall around 10 or so weepers. Nothing too bad but one - for which I had to get styptic out. Insanely smooth shave - so smooth that I didn’t even notice I was getting the weepers!

quite a dose of stinging around from aftershave - but that was still a decent shave! Another try with it tomorrow - should be better!
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Tue 14 SOTD
Soap Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic
Brush Yaqi 24mm Silvertip
Razor Yaqi AC Aluminum (Raster)
Blade Feather Professional 8th use
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic
Very nice soap! One of my favorite...especially for the nice scent plus of course the lather is always creamy and slick...
Another great shave with the razor paired with this blade. Surprisingly, the well-used blade is crispier, smoother, and comfortable compared to the proguard. 3passes for a dolphin smooth finish without any issues. Matching aftershaves were great.

SOTD : 14th September 2021.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Nivea Men Power Fresh Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
FatFace Ocean Escape Soap Bar.
Brush: Fine 24mm Synthetic.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Fine Fresh Vetiver Classic Shaving Soap.
Blade: Personna Gem modified PTFE. ( D3)
Razor: Valet Auto Strop VC1.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezings, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./ Blue Stratos ASL./ Creightons Sensitive PSB.


Early morning shave.

A Enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report.

Finishing the shave off with a small dollop of Creightons Sensitive PSB.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.;)

Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
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SOTD 14-Sep
Prep: Warm shower
Brush: Cadman 30mm Tuxedo
Soap: Ramblin' Man
Razor: Stirling SS Regular Plate
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Post: Cold Water and Ramblin' Man Aftershave and Balm

Last post with this razor as I'm not going to change anything from the previous rotation. First try with the regular plate, nowhere near the HA but still a fair amount of blade feel. Definitely didn't have to be as careful with this one.

I feel like this one could be used everyday, but in trying to compare to others (perhaps the R41 would be the best comparison for me) I don't feel it was quite as efficient. It is only my first use with the plate so i'll see how I get on.

Hope everyone has a cracking day!


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