Soaps and Creams Passaround

I hope the fact that people would have to slice a bit off their puck of soap will not put people off contributing; I seek your feedback on the idea.

Same principle as with the blades, razors and smellies. I'll put together a sample of soaps and creams and label them all up and send on to the first person on the list. They can take some and pass it on, hopefully adding in some of their own stock as well. You'll need a spare a sandwich bag or small plastic container, one to receive and one to send.

I don't want to disappoint anyone but I don't have a lot of high end stuff to start us off and not much that's unusual, although there are a few and all are great performers. No rubbish ones from me! If there's only one thing you haven't tried it will be worth it and I will happily say what I will include (either here or via PM) if I'm not spoiling the surprise.

I'll start this before the Godrej, Dettol and Old Spice shaving creams arrive but if it makes its way back to me in a three to four weeks (as a guess) then I will add in samples of those too. I will then be able to benefit from this!
Ok, soaps and creams all packed up ready to post tomorrow. Some much larger samples than others, all lost a bit of the scent over time and at least one is quite overpowering! Separate it from the others and it'll be fine. There's some cheap stuff and some mid-rnage stuff in there, plus one French that's rather tough to find (so I included a reasonable sample of that particular one. And no it's not Martin de Candre, I've never tried that. Surely that's high end anyway).

As I say, I would like this back in a few weeks when the Indian creams turn up so I can add a bit of them and to take a few of your samples for myself. Cheers.

Although it's early days we need more volunteers!
Come on Lads (and nurse Emmanuel). Let's get a few volunteers up here to support NSTs generous offer which helps to keep the Forum lively and interesting. Next week we will be doing the ladies underwear PIF, but this will only be available to those who participate in the soap/cream PIF.
Received the soap/cream samples from Carl today, and very nice today.I'll use some, pop a few new ones in, and send them off to Lose the Bread (aka Gladys Emmanuelle) early next week).
Need some more names chaps to try out these delightful soaps and creams that you might not get the chance to sample again.
Majortom's plea hasn't worked yet - nearly a week later. Just he and brianpilman have volunteered.

Graeme, is your real name Nicholas becuase by the sound of the way this thread has been going you will be knicker-less when you pass the parcel?!
Have you sent on to Brian yet?
I think I should be on the list already.

I was wondering whether to get some small pots to put the samples in, might make life a bit less messy.

There are some here which are not too expensive, but I am unsure which would be the best size.
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