
do yourself a favor. try CELLA. nice little bowl can be a pain to lather from... but the lather is so damn slick. its got better after skin effect then erasmic. I love love erasmic. did I say I love erasmic in a stick? well I do.
I will try Cella. Will put it on my list of soaps to buy.
Its hard to Ranke them because I have found that the European Tallow Soaps are all pretty much Good Soaps..Razorck is Crap tho & I suspect there is a USA hand in there some where..The USA Made Artisan Soaps are Rubbish to date..Forget all the reviews cause they sell cause of the Super Strong Scents they use..:eek:...

Calm down, FB. You're 'painting' with a broad brush there, chief. :rolleyes: ;)
It does rather smack of one huge factory somewhere with Chinese soap flakes being poured in at one end, vats of fragrance oils in the middle and a random name generating computer at the far end of a long conveyer belt ...
The best performing TOBS, irrespective of cushion (negligible difference across the range) and scent. Is TOBS Avocado. It is the slickest TOBS, also the best post shave and has a mild fragrance (cucumber) so is less likely to cause irritation.


There is a TOBS natural/unscented available but it doesn't perform anywhere near as good as the Avocado. I have the coconut also but it tends to leave my skin fairly greasy after use.

Surprised it hasn't come up yet but Cella is one of the finest tallow soaps available.
It does rather smack of one huge factory somewhere with Chinese soap flakes being poured in at one end, vats of fragrance oils in the middle and a random name generating computer at the far end of a long conveyer belt ...

Change the somewhere to India and you are describing the chief executive of a multinational's wet dream lol
My second package of soaps came today. Waiting for P&B to arrive.

1x Sandalwood IMPROVED 120g
1x Moroccan Sands IMPROVED Signature 120g
1x Down Home Summer Signature IMPROVED 120g
2x Old Grey Bristle Test Coconut Milk Pre Shave Soap

FergieBillie has it right on American "artisanal" soaps. Closely read the reviews online, and it comes down to if the package label looks nice, its great. no matter how bad the shave goes. SO many will give a soap great review points just because they like the scent. even though it shaves like liquod handsoap.

Its like the menthol aftershave. If the soap was so great at providing a smooth irritation free shave, why do you need an aftershave containing more menthol by weight, then icy/hot or tiger balm to cool the razor burn?
You can use a balm, particularly if you like the smell or it has sunscreen stuff in it. or moisturizer.

But look at it this way.

Leas classic cream has menthol in it, very little, but it has enough that you can get a nice cold "stuck an ice cube on your face" feeling if you lather it right. and you need it if you lather it wrong. no skin care really.

Cella on the other hand, if you know how to use your razor, you can get razor irritation but its gone so fast.
FergieBillie has it right on American "artisanal" soaps. Closely read the reviews online, and it comes down to if the package label looks nice, its great. no matter how bad the shave goes. SO many will give a soap great review points just because they like the scent. even though it shaves like liquod handsoap.

Its like the menthol aftershave. If the soap was so great at providing a smooth irritation free shave, why do you need an aftershave containing more menthol by weight, then icy/hot or tiger balm to cool the razor burn?

I agree, I have been led by hype and rave reviews about American Artisan soaps for more than I care to admit. When I first started out I imported some Razorock soaps and thought they were great but after having tried more (European) soaps, Razorock just falls behind in terms of performance.

The only American soaps I use now are B&M and Fine shaving soap, except the last one is not even made in the US but in the Netherlands :D

I always had the idea that the US Artisans had better soap but it mostly boils down to scent.
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