Single Edge by Supply Provision - are you getting one?

there are a lot of razors coming out in the SE realm at the moment, however I see the following issues

1 are they going to be worth getting?
2. are they proprietary blades? if you don't like x brand blades,and they only use x brand blades whats the point?
3. are they actually good enough to say "wow, im binning my vintage SE razors now"

material on this is a lil odd, investment casting? to much complexity for the part. even with a regular casting, the same amount of finish machining would still be required. extra cist for no gain except prestige.
we use lost wax investment castings to make the blanks for our tire rims. then we machine them down to final size. the cost is twice that of our regularly made aluminum rims but we feel the customer wants that prestige even though the impact of part quality is 99% in the price difference.
The latest update on 30th April from Single Edge is that shipping will now most likely commence after mid-May, and, quote: -

"For YOU, this means that the earliest you can expect to receive your shipment is the third or fourth week of May, assuming the shipment passes through customs easily. "

Oh, the unbearable tension.

I had to go back to the OP to remind myself what these razors look like - Billy's all time favourite injector and interchangeable combs a la Bunny. I'm guessing I've already paid for one? This has taken so long I have had my injector phase and moved on - there's so much new and shiny about these days!
Personna Executive Injector...o_O

Another Allusive Razor with Very Little Intel on them..This thing Weighs a Ton for Feks Sake..You Cant lighten this thing with changing a Handle..Good for Hammering a Nail right Enough..:eek:

Any Roads..I have had the Real McCoy for a Long Time..:D

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Received this update today. Sigh...more patience needed.

Good news: You now have three months to try out the razor and return it if you don't like it for a full refund.
On 5/2/2016 7:17 PM, Supply Provision Co. wrote:
Hey there,

If you're receiving this email, you're one of our awesome preorder customers for The Single Edge razor.
Without you and our Kickstarter backers, the Single Edge would simply not exist. We are extremely grateful for your support and excitement during our journey towards completing manufacturing.

I'm writing to let you know that we have experienced a delay in fulfilling your order. There are two important things for you to know about this delay: (1) we are still confident that we will deliver a razor beyond your expectations, and (2) it will be a bit late. How late? Probably late May. As in the last week of May.

I know, not the email you wanted to get today. But here's the deal: we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on your order. If you ever want out before we deliver, just say the word. However, we hope you'll stick around for the next month. To say thank you for your patience, we're extending ALL preorder return periods to 90 days (up from 30 days) - in the ridiculously remote chance that you don't like your razor.

That's it. I respond personally to this email address, so please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Patrick Coddou
Founder, Supply

PS - If you've been following along with our Kickstarter updates, you can find the latest at the link below. All of our Kickstarter updates apply to our preorder customers as well.

The packaging looks nice:
Indeed they are. I overlooked that one. I hope it's better than their Braveheart which I wasn't that impressed with.
Same here.

It's interesting to see how closely these new SE designs using Feather/Kai blades resemble one another. Apart from handle designs, and a tweak or two on how they're attached, they look pretty much the same i.e. like my Mongooses.
when it comes to a blade based on the schick patents, a schick type setup is best. and they all look alike.

it appears its going to be inersting.

the viedoe on shaving with it, the guy uses a lather that's a tad thinner then mine. so im going to assume glide over cushion.
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