Simpsons Wood & Horn - LATEST - TWITTER ONLY

Nrahuf said:
Well just emailed mark regards the walnut and snake wood handles - was told they would be expensive since short numbers - not sure I liked the tone or implication ) I'm all for maximising profits but has to be a balance it will be these same people who can very quickly buy other premium products leaving you with the issue of no customer base.

Many of the handles can be made cheaply in wood - and plenty premium knot suppliers - so really wondering why I would consider buying a simpson now - if so expensive!!!!

It is true, but like any other thing in life there will be premium products at premium prices despite being able to build/make or buy other similar things cheaper e.g. Apple, BMW, Mercs etc.

The poor photography in this day an age when you can get a light box off eBay for cheap is terrible for such a nice product.
Agree entirely on the product photography. The Twitter pictures don't do the brushes justice.

Fortunately we are in the midst of some pretty expensive marketing development including a lightbox purchase & website development etc which will all hopefully enhance the products visually.

It's slow steps as I take care of pretty much all aspects of the business and my time is spread very thinly.

All comments appreciated.

Agreed - but each of these premium brand has very quickly come to realise that customers have choices - Apple having this issue now with the number of people defecting to better alternatives at a lower price. You have to play long game - one of the reason Apple were so successful initially they were innovating - they have lost this - where's the innovation in the shaving brush - it's the same from when it was first made.

That poses another question for another thread lol - what innovation would you like to see in the shaving brush?..

mattyb240 said:
Nrahuf said:
Well just emailed mark regards the walnut and snake wood handles - was told they would be expensive since short numbers - not sure I liked the tone or implication ) I'm all for maximising profits but has to be a balance it will be these same people who can very quickly buy other premium products leaving you with the issue of no customer base.

Many of the handles can be made cheaply in wood - and plenty premium knot suppliers - so really wondering why I would consider buying a simpson now - if so expensive!!!!

It is true, but like any other thing in life there will be premium products at premium prices despite being able to build/make or buy other similar things cheaper e.g. Apple, BMW, Mercs etc.

The poor photography in this day an age when you can get a light box off eBay for cheap is terrible for such a nice product.
Why are ya'll so boisterously against their hyper-capitalism? If people are "stupid" enough to pay >$1000 USD more for a quad-core Apple laptop versus the competing product from Toshiba or Sony with the same exact internal bits and also surrounded by a cost-no-object mindset chassis, who are we to begrudge them? These are for-profit enterprises, all, no?

I can't stand Apple and their smugness, but I rather suspect that the Toshiba company I patronize would charge what Apple charges if they could only get the market to bear it.

All that need occur for any maker-retailer asking for the very last dollar (such as apple) to swiftly change is for their brutally-capitalist pleas to be ignored by the buyers.
I only care about the quality of the hairs in a brush and how those hairs are assembled…I'd never pay a premium for a handle in exotic wood …unless I was a rich collector.
+1 Totally agree. If I want a exotic wood handle I prefer to pay to an artisan who have a late and choose handle form, size and badger knot to use. And later I can add I Simpson stick if wanted, hehe
Slow on the uptake maybe, but I've just seen this thread, and my eyes are reeling from the pics. Hideous barely describes them. I didn't realise that The Grateful Dead made shaving kit. Someone will have shelled out good cash for them I dare say.
factormax said:
Dipesh said:
Crazy. Especially when IMO there are better brushes out there.

To quote you, Dipesh: "it's getting a little silly". :icon_razz:

A part of me feels quite bad, I just wish they were realistic on price vs quality and compared to what other brands offer. Atleast I could then satisfy myself!

Anyways, we all have our opinions. So long as buyers are happy with their brushes, it's all that matters.
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