Shave of the day w/c Saturday 2nd January 2010

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Red Personna platinum
Silvertip Badger
TOBS Lavender cream
The Natural Grooming Co ASB

A nice long Sunday Shave most enjoyable

Muhle R41 OC
Derby (3)
Semogue 1305
Tabac Stick

Proraso AS
Proraso ASB

The R41 / Derby combination continues to provide a shave of the very highest standard; that's 3/3. I'm in a state of Derby induced shock!! It has taken the rest of the components to an altogether higher level - for me. Is it this individual blade? We'll find out on Wednesday...
Merkur 34 HD
Astra blade
Crabtree and Evelyn sienna soap
Wilkinson sword brush
Simple ASB

A nice shave, blade dragged abit more then on the other days, but still no nicks or cuts, only slight irritation on my neck which is only there if i rub my neck.
New blade in for tomorrow.

Merkur 34C HD
Red Pack Personna
Vulfix 404 Mix
Mr Taylor Balm

Back to my standard of the HD w/ Red Personna. Very nice and smooth.
Strangely my neck came out in red bumps for a bit, no bleeding and no itch just red bumps. Mr Taylor sorted that out though. As on Sunday, I like TOBS balm but the tube just doesnt go far enough.

Nice relaxing shave topped off with some Comme des Garcons Citrico Cologne.

The neck issue is a puzzle.

Gold Plated Gillette Tech
Iridium Super
Vulfix VS/3
Penhaligon's English Fern Soap
D.R. Harris Pink a/s

I had a shit shave.

Weeping Hell.

Gillette New LC plus Feather,
I forgot about this combo, I shouldn't have.

Alum, WH, AS, AB...Savlon.

Just too harsh for me.
Merkur 34 HD
Astra blade
Crabtree and Evelyn sienna soap
Wilkinoson sword brush
Isis ASB

Yep, the shave was great. Lovely smooth neck and face. Absolutly no irritation at all, face feels great.
Although, if going by no irritation, and irritation means blade needs changing then they only do about 3 good shaves.
Not too bad for when i go back to shaving every other day.
Still alot more blaldes to try though
Blyth Spirit said:
What a rotation!! Four perfect shaves from the R41 / Derby combo; this is how it should be every week.

I also rate the Derby blade. I hope that don't find that this was a one-off special blade and the next is rubbish. This week I've had four good shaves with the same Derby blade.

Risky business using samples when you are well stocked up already!

shavemac177 - soft yet firm - lovely brush
Jagger DE87 (the £20 one) with Crystal Platinum - excellent as usual
Body Shop Maca Root shave cream - sample
Florins Elite A/S balm - a gift long before I got back to DE shaving. A fine balm.

If you are near a Body Shop store - ask for a sample of the Maca Root. Got mine in Bournemouth, Southampton didn't have the sample containers. At £8 for 200ml, it looks great value for a quality cream. I'll have to work hard at resisting buying a pot when I'm next in town. Great lather.

Gold Plated Gillette Tech
Iridium Super
Vulfix VS/3
Penhaligon's English Fern Soap
D.R. Harris Pink a/s

Same as yesterday, and just as good.

Fido - I have a tube of The Body Shop cream and I like it a lot.


Gold Plated Gillette Tech
Iridium Super
Vulfix VS/3
Penhaligon's English Fern Soap
D.R. Harris Pink a/s

Same again, but tomorrow will be different as that was the Iridium's last shave.

I got an attack of the hiccups during this morning's shave, which made things entertaining.

interesting that you found the Derby works well in the R41 Blythe.That was the combination I used when I first tried the R41.If you remember I gave it a glowing review and have been using the razor exclusively since.I switch between a kai and derby now and then and also stick in a sampler to try out but in my opinion.Derby + R41 is a rock solid partnership.
Boab said:
interesting that you found the Derby works well in the R41 Blythe.That was the combination I used when I first tried the R41.If you remember I gave it a glowing review and have been using the razor exclusively since.I switch between a kai and derby now and then and also stick in a sampler to try out but in my opinion.Derby + R41 is a rock solid partnership.

I do remember and that review was probably the key factor in my decision to buy. I have rever regretted it and it is my best performing and favourite razor by far. It works well for me with an Astra SP too but better with the Derby, as you say.

After this rotation I may well bung a Feather into it... :eek: ...that ought to be fun!
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