Shave of the Day - Saturday 9th April to Friday 15th April

Route 66 Cavendish
Vie-Long horsehair brush
Schick Type F
Chick blade (3)
Thayers Witch Hazel
Florida Water
Have fun!

Prep - Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Ever Ready 1912
Blade - Personna GEM SE Stainless (#6)
Brush - Shavemac Raptor 26/52 DO1 3 Band Bulb
Soap - Truefitt & Hill No.10
After - Frozen towel / Brut Original A/S
Result - Dolphin Smooth

A lovely relaxing afternoon with the house all to myself. Doesn't get much better than this.
One more shave than normal out of this blade, which seems to be down to palm stropping. No sign of it giving up just yet.


Two Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Japanese Hamilton 6/8th
Mason Pearson Pure Badger
Blue Soap Goats Milk & Sheep's Tallow
Thayer's Witch Hazel

I had a Smooth Comfortable WTG & ATG Pass Shave with My Hamilton 6/8th..Gave myself a bit of a Hair line Smile just under my chin when I gave it a bit too much Torque..This is the only Swedish made blade that I have it sure feels different..Very Manoeuvrable this Razor & very easy to get carried away with it..I am Smooth & Refreshed..:p

Man Eau Fraiche is on my list of fragrances to sample. Very interested in your opinion on the scent & its performance?
It is a great fragrance for casual or smart wear. Second bottle I've bought, good price too. Lasts for around 6 hours. The best 'genre' if you like would be 'sophisticated cologne'. I would put Davidoff Cool Water and CK One in this category.

Versace has no ozone tone, more citrus to 'cool' but we'll rounded off with a light woody base that holds. Opening isn't a sharp citrus either, a smooth bouquet. Will definitely buy a 3rd.

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Today's Shave

R89 Twist
Feather Blade
Kent BK8 Brush
Nanny's Silly Soap Lavender in a thiers issard shaving bowl (face lartherd)
Blue Stratos Aftershave Splash

Result BSS WTG

2 days beard removed, leaving me impeccably shaven.
Vitos Red
RazorRock Barber Plissoft
Hone T15
Gillette Platinum [3]
Barbus AS
Beckham Instinct Sport EDT

Poor shave tonight, patch and only just acceptable. Not sure what is going on with my Hone at the moment, but it is not agreeing with me at all. I find its sticking to my face and is not gliding.... I'm on the fence with the Vitos, plenty of cushion but I'm not getting any slickness....
Hmm time for a run out with an Injector? I think so....
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