Shave of the day Saturday 22nd - Friday 28th July 2017

Razor - ATT SE 1 Kronos
Blade - Feather Pro
Brush - SOC 2 Band
Soap - OSP Orange & Patchouli
Post - Lucky Tiger , Nivea men creme
A/S - Floid Vigoroso
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This was my last shave on dry land as the wife and I are leaving Glasgow and heading up to Dundee to embark our ship.
Destinations : The Faroe isles , Iceland , Orkney and Shetland isles.

Splice the mainbrace , I'll catch you land lovers when I return to port.

Have a relaxing Sunday

Sounds like a wonderful trip. Have fun!
Sunday 23rd July 2017

sotd 23rd July.JPG
Pre Shave: Hot Shower + L'Oreal Pure Power Face Wash and Proraso White
Razor: iKon 101 + OSS Handle
Blade: Treet Dura Sharp carbon (#1)
Brush: Maseto 30mm 2 band finest fan
Soap: Molton Brown
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphreys Witch Hazel
AS: Lucky Tiger Bay Rum

Superb shave today, the Treet Dura Sharp works really well in the iKon 101 and the Molton Brown soap and Maseto 30mm made easy work of getting a great lather.
Sunday AM 2017-07-23

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 2/1 Ivory Finest #3 (20mm/57mm)
Truefitt & Hill Lavender shaving cream
Weber Polished Head/Stork Advoco Titanium
Gillette Platinum 'Swede' (5)
Floris Bay Rum aftershave (vintage)

Prep: Hot shower, Nivea face scrub and L'oreal Charcoal face wash
Pre: King of Shaves pre shave oil
Razor: ATT R2 with Atlas handle
Razor blade: Polsilver
Brush: Semogue 620
Cream: TOBS Eton College
Post: Thayers witch hazel and Floid Vigoroso A/S

First shave for 5 days so need a razor to handle it. I chose the ATT R2 as my weapon of choice and I chose wisely.
After a false start due to a blunt blade, the shave was very smooth and close.

The cream was ok but the scent wasn't prevalent throughout the shave. There was plenty of slickness and protection.

First outing of the Semogue 620. Very little scritch or scratch. I usually bowl lather so face lathering is a new experience for me. Creating the lather was ok but I think I need to work on my water to cream ratio.

Finished off with the Floid aftershave. It was ok(not mad about the scent) but I prefer the Fine and Myrsol aftershave.
If anyone fancies a trade please drop me a PM.

Enjoy your Sunday.
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