S.O.T.D. Saturday 31st January to Friday 6th February 2015

Monday 2nd February


Warm shower
Hot towel
WSP Rustic Fougere Noir scuttle lathered
Finest Badger brush made by myself
Gillette Single ring (Made in England)
Personna Lab Blue (3)
Cold rinse
Thayers Superhazel
Aqua Velva Ice Blue aftershave

Lovely shave from this 100+ year old razor. The Single rings vary in aggression. I have a number in my collection and each one is different to the other, some by quite a margin. Very efficient I like them.
Prep - Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam towel
Razor - Gillette Slim Adjustable (at 5)
Blade - Gillette Silver Blue (#2)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko with Orange EO
After - Frozen towel / Alum
Result - BBS

Change from my usual routine of showering beforehand, to see the difference, if any. Washed my face in the sink and then did my usual "Kyles Method". Also my first ever DE within a 48 hour period.
My shaves are so good that I really only have to shave every three days but thought I'd see how my face handled the change. The result was good but I still prefer the shower and there wasn't as much stubble for the blade to cut so I didn't feel any benefit.
I'll stick to the shower and every three days thank you very much!
Mongoose & Kai Pink
Thäter 4125/1 2-band
Speick shaving stick
No7 Replenishing Balm
Unrefined shea butter

Rubbish lather. I didn't load enough soap and the brush struggled as a result - it was like trying to pull away in third gear. I'm going to try to stick with this set-up until I've finished the soap and balm.
Pre: RazoRock menthol/lime soap
Soap: Krampert's Bay Rum
Brush: Pav "Chieftain" Hobo-coin 24mm 2-band
Razor: Mongoose Satin w/Dr. Bomber handle
Blade: Feather Super (3)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel, followed by Krampert's Bay Rum
This Krampert's is great stuff! Feather super blade mellowed out and gave a fabulous 2.5-pass BBS with zero irritation.
EJ DE3D, Shim, Rapira Pink
Omega 10083S
Wickham's English Lavender
M&S Woodspice AS

Very good indeed! :D
Prep: Hot wash with dove soap.
Brush: Vie-Long horse.
Soap: Prorasso Green.
Razor: Razorock Jaws OC.
Blade: Gillette silver blue #3.
Post: Malizia Uomo Vetyver balm.

Use of a styptic pencil was needed for the first time in months after a persistant weeper, jaws has teeth.
Apart from the rivers of blood, it was a very nice and smooth shave. WTG and ATG passes and the awesome smelling Vetyver balm.

Monday evening:

Hot shower prep
Wickham's Sheridan soap
DE89 with Polsilver SI
Omega Boar
Floris Santal ASB

A nice relaxing shave with top notch products, much needed after a day of DIY !!!!
NSS Bamboo & Grape
Semogue 830
Weber PH Bulldog
Gillette NOS Super Stainless (thanks Martin!)
Adidas Pure Game AS
Nivea Moisturiser

WOW, what a cracking blade! Smooooothest 2 pass shave I think I have had. Next to no sting from the AS. Shame they are no longer. I think I have decided that Nanny's is my favorite soap too. Must get some more....
rowlers said:
Gillette NOS Super Stainless

WOW, what a cracking blade! Smooooothest 2 pass shave I think I have had. Next to no sting from the AS. Shame they are no longer. I think I have decided that Nanny's is my favorite soap too. Must get some more....

Glad you liked those blades....I use em myself. When you order the soap from Toots, tell her you want the 'Marly Bones' version (it's an off the menu item). She adds a small amount of cane toad EO to the mix, for seeing things differently during the shave. Best used by experienced shavers.
dodgy said:
Glad you liked those blades....I use em myself. When you order the soap from Toots, tell her you want the 'Marly Bones' version (it's an off the menu item). She adds a small amount of cane toad EO to the mix, for seeing things differently during the shave. Best used by experienced shavers.

Hmmm, not sure what to make of "cane toad EO!"
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