S.O.T.D. Saturday 29th October to Friday 4th November 2016

Morris & Forndran
Penhaligon's AS
Sunday 30 October 2016


Earthquake, again

Yet another quake and this one has been really strong, the strongest so far. Not much to say about today's shave because all of my thoughts are for those who are suffering from the tremendous quakes we are having since August. Houses, monuments, churches, mountains collapsing down, people walking hopeless in the middle of the remains just waiting for all this to come to an end. And who knows when it will end. I consider myself very lucky because, although Perugia - the city where I live - is just few tens of miles away from the main area of quakes, we just listen to the rattling of doors, windows and walls shaken by the quake, objects and furniture moving around and nothing else. Only a little of fear and you know there is nothing you can do but waiting for it to end while thinking there are people not so far from here who are not as lucky as I am. And I cannot even imagine how scared they are and the fear they feel day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Aguzzeria del Cavallo Almond Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Mastro Livi Badger, Olive Handle, 22mm knot
  • Bowl: Mastro Livi Olive Wood Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Medium Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi CarboInox KamiRazor, 13/16 Full Hollow, Snake Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Vifrex
Sunday 30 October 2016


Earthquake, again

Yet another quake and this one has been really strong, the strongest so far. Not much to say about today's shave because all of my thoughts are for those who are suffering from the tremendous quakes we are having since August. Houses, monuments, churches, mountains collapsing down, people walking hopeless in the middle of the remains just waiting for all this to come to an end. And who knows when it will end. I consider myself very lucky because, although Perugia - the city where I live - is just few tens of miles away from the main area of quakes, we just listen to the rattling of doors, windows and walls shaken by the quake, objects and furniture moving around and nothing else. Only a little of fear and you know there is nothing you can do but waiting for it to end while thinking there are people not so far from here who are not as lucky as I am. And I cannot even imagine how scared they are and the fear they feel day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Aguzzeria del Cavallo Almond Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Mastro Livi Badger, Olive Handle, 22mm knot
  • Bowl: Mastro Livi Olive Wood Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Medium Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi CarboInox KamiRazor, 13/16 Full Hollow, Snake Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Vifrex
I would like to convey my thoughts of sadness to your fellow countrymen and thoughts of hope that these quakes will come to an end so everyone can start to rebuild not only the buildings but their lives also. We must consider ourselves so fortunate not to find ourselves in a similar situation.
I would like to convey my thoughts of sadness to your fellow countrymen and thoughts of hope that these quakes will come to an end so everyone can start to rebuild not only the buildings but their lives also. We must consider ourselves so fortunate not to find ourselves in a similar situation.
Well put, Paul...and endorsed here too.


Two Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
French Pradat Brun Theirs FrameBack 6/8th
French Fitchard Pure Badger
Valobra Tallow Soap
Logona Mann Balm

I Had My 2nd Shave Today with My French Pradat Brun Theirs 6/8th Frame Back.I have Nick Named it the "Magic Wand" as its Almost like a Cartridge Kinda SR in that its So Free & Easy to Use..Its a Lovely Keen Shaver & So Different to any Other SR in My Collection..I Wont be Parting with this Fair Lady..o_O

She is So Easy to Use & So Forgiving that I May have to Rename it the "Girly Mans" SR..:p

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:eek:

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