S.O.T.D. Saturday 20th December to Friday 26th December 2014

Proposal shave:

Pre shave: natural geo thermal silica/sulphur spa (blue lagoon in Iceland)
Soap: D.R.Harris Arlington
Brush: Wee Scott
Razor: Filarmonica sub-cero straight
Post: Kiehl's facial fuel
A/S: Versace Man

It is only with the knowledge gained through TSR that I can now respect the quality of a great shave. A big thank you to you all and to you all a big thank you
20 December 2014

I decided last week to see if I could get the Soap Commander to actually smell more like Old Spice. So I scooped out most of the soap in the container and added about 1 ounce of a generic "Old Spice type" aftershave. I mixed the removed soap back in to the container. The container remained sealed for a week. Today I tried the soap again. Now it smells like Old Spice and not like Old Shea. It is good enough smelling now to use until the container runs out of soap.

Face wash with MWF
Bodyshop synthetic brush
Face lather with Eucris soap
Apollo vintage slant with EJ89 handle
Personna Blue (5)
Cien ASB

Really good shave again. Had two days of growth to get off and the EJ89 gives a bit more heft to the Apollo head. I added a few drops of glycerine to the Eucris and the lather was lovely.
Sapone : Czech & Speake Oxford & Cambridge
Pennello : Simpson M7 in Manchurian
Rasoio : Friodur 8/8
Strop : Paciccella in Cordovan
AS : Dr Harris Sandalwood



Sunday 21st December 2014
Prep: Shower
Razor: Cobra Classic
Blade: Feather Pro Guard
Brush: Semogue Mistura
Soap: Vitos Extra Super (Red)
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)

Another ultra close shave no weepers again no soreness but I know I've been shaved!

Yesterdays shave I can claim was the closest shave I have ever had, I turned in early at 2145hrs and it was still a really good shave then.

This razor and blade combination is aggressive but it is the blades that cause the aggression and the razor plays (IMHO) a lesser part in the fierceness of shave, I think it is similar in aggression to a Schick E model or perhaps a tiny bit more. It is nowhere near as aggressive as an OCMM but if an OCMM used blades as sharp as these I genuinely believe it would be unusable.

Everything that members have said about these blades is correct they are in a league of their own. Are they better than less sharp blades? for me the answer is no but for some folk (those with Rhino hide) I can see they can be shaving heaven.

It seems even with shaving there is no such thing as a free lunch and this ultra sharpness comes at the price of comfort, it may be of course that in a Mongoose these blades would be 'dumbed down' somewhat in the same way that many users of Feather DE blades claim they are when used in a mild razor like a Gillette Tech.

Nothing I have said detracts from the fact that this is a damn fine razor it's a shame it does not take a blade a bit more docile but then of course you might as well use any injector.

Thanks again Rob this whole business is intriguing.


Sun 21st December

Neutrogena Glycerine soap
Brush Pure Bristle UK but maker unknown circa 70`s
Ingrams Menthol Cream
ER Flying Wing
Gem [ 4 ] used in other razors
Alum Rub/rinse off
Lea A/S balm
La Toja A/S

Delivered a mild ,but more than satisfactory shave-especially after struggling
yesterday with the Natural Angle.Will keep with this combo to test Blade Life.
Would be nice to try other blades from across the Pond.
Japanese Three Kings full Hollow 13/16 for Barbers use
Kanayama cordovan #8000
Bill Jack Le Tuft Blue 8
Alum & Witch Hazel
Tom Ford Noir balm
Tom Ford Noir Edp

The three kings is the most vocal of blades it sings the sweetest of tunes while stropping that's sweet music to my ears.​

Seasons Greetings to all,

Hot shower face prep
LEA 'Classic' Soap
EJ89 with Polsilver SI
Omega Boar
Cold water post splash
TOBS Shaving Shop Cologne

Leisurely sunday shave. The first shave with the LEA Soap and I'm very impressed with it. As with all my other soaps it took a while to get the water mix right, but eventually it was easily as good as MWF for slip and closeness.
However, its the after shave care where this soap really shines though, my face felt amazing and not dried out at all. This is a defo for my soap rotation.

All the best.
Norfolkdick said:

Razor: Cobra Classic

Another ultra close shave no weepers again no soreness but I know I've been shaved!

This razor and blade combination is aggressive but it is the blades that cause the aggression and the razor plays (IMHO) a lesser part in the fierceness of shave, I think it is similar in aggression to a Schick E model or perhaps a tiny bit more. It is nowhere near as aggressive as an OCMM but if an OCMM used blades as sharp as these I genuinely believe it would be unusable.

Everything that members have said about these blades is correct they are in a league of their own. Are they better than less sharp blades? for me the answer is no but for some folk (those with Rhino hide) I can see they can be shaving heaven.

It seems even with shaving there is no such thing as a free lunch and this ultra sharpness comes at the price of comfort, it may be of course that in a Mongoose these blades would be 'dumbed down' somewhat in the same way that many users of Feather DE blades claim they are when used in a mild razor like a Gillette Tech.


Yeah, my face always felt like it had dodged a bullet after the shave was done and not an everyday kinda thing.

No getting around how those kinda blades feel and I am with you about the Cobra having just a little too much bite. I tried both versions and neither was quite comfortable enough. Not a razor for my arsenal unless as a gift....heh.

Which is why you will need to try the Mongoose. I didn't want to say much before you had a few Cobra shaves and your conclusion was predictable because you are like me in some ways. The Mongoose head is using those same sharp blades with a different, more user friendly presentation. Not dumbing down the blade so much as semi taming it maybe.

Don't give up on those blades quite yet,

Sunday December 21, 2014

Sunday December 21, 2014


Mastro Livi Kamisori, Hakapella Damasteel, Abalone Handle

A lovely shave! This Mastro Livi kamisori is amazing and it is no secret I love the Damasteel blades he makes: one of my favorite steels ever. Not to mention the equally lovely Truefitt & Hill 1805 Shaving Cream and Geo. F. Trumper Astor Cologne: great smell and very good performance. Great shave!​

  • Pre-Shave: Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Truefitt & Hill 1805 Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Frank Shaving Finest Badger Chubby Brush - 30mm knot
  • Bowl: Symmetrical Pottery Dottie Shaving Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Kamisori, 13/16 French Point, Hakapella Damasteel, Abalone Handle
  • Post-Shave: Umbria Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Geo. F. Trumper Astor Cologne
All this talk of Mongooses and Cobras, I'll settle for my little PAL!

Wickhams SS English Rose face lathered for a change
Semogue 830
PAL Adjustable [2]
Personna Blade [2]
Blue Stratos AS

Super shave, had a ATG pass for the 1st time - been building up for a few weeks :lol:, nice light touch and all is good.
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