S.O.T.D. Saturday 18th April to Friday 24th April 2015

Palmolive Stick
Polsilver SI (2)
Wilkinson FlipTop

Second go with the FlipTop and I was a bit more careful to not get careless with it's ultra-mild feel. No nicks or weepers but it just seems too mild and was certainly a bit tuggy on the neck to the point of soreness. Probably need more time to work on it or perhaps a different blade but I have about 6 razors I want to try out and I lack discipline to stay at it with the FlipTop.

It'll come back into the rotation at some point but I've got an unidentified, possible Frankenrazor, with a chunky handle and open comb that's calling out to me for my next shave.

Frankenrazor (Merkur OC Head+EJ Handle) + Polsilver Super Iridium #1
Semogue 1250
Haslinger Aloe Vera
Nivea ASB

This head and this handle work really well together. :)
Plan for 22 April

Beautiful sunny morning with cool crisp air.....
Prep- Bulldog facewash
Soap- Jabonman Citrus/Vetiver
Razor- Ever Ready 1912
Blade- GEM [2]
Post- Thayers witch hazel

Superb shave the Jabonman are outstanding, so a couple of soaps will be ordered next month! Also the razor is also superlative.

Wednesday 22nd April 2015
Prep: Shower
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue OC 2 Band
Soap: Tabac Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Quorum



Soap: Cella
Brush: Edwin Jagger Best Badger
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Bolzano Superinox (3)
Post: Speick After Shave Balm
Scent: Le Labo Bergamote 22

This morning's shave was great. Haven't used my Cella soap in ages & what a great soap it is!
Wed 22nd April 2015

Omega 11137 Boar
La toja Cream
EJ 89
Rapira Swede [ 1 ]
Alum Rub./ Rinse off
Nivea A/S Balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

Change from SE, quite nice comfortable shave achieved.Good enough for not going
anywhere much, other than pick up/drop off duties,and a spell in garden.
Pre: RazoRock menthol/lime soap
Soap: Mickey-Lee Soapworks "Pantie Dropper"
Brush: Rubberset-400 replica with 24mm silvertip
Razor: ATT S1 slant w/Jurgen Hempel Ti handle
Blade: Feather (1)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel, followed by MLSW "Pantie Dropper" ASB
Razor and handle are on loan from a friend (@DustinDep). Very mild razor, even with a fresh Feather blade.
MLSW soap whipped up a fantastic lather, sadly it did not live up to its name. ;)
Mongoose B2
Plisson synth
Institut Karité
Speick ASL

Nicked my nose, unusually, and got some weepers on my chin. I want IK to work for me. I love the smell and post-shave but the jury's out on its protective qualities relative to my benchmark (MdC, unfortunately).
Had a hands-down fantastic shave this morning with my gold Schick "Krona".
This was my first time using a "Krona" and I am VERY impressed by it - quite frankly a "better" razor than many of my Gillettes.
This razor might be the best kept 'secret' as far as quality razors goes and how their prices are reflected on online auction sites.

Nice weight, wonderful handle and a rather mild but very effective head.

Razor: Schick "Krona"
Blade: Astra SP
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
Soap: Cella
A/S: Myrsol Plastic Shave
Body splash: The Veg

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