S.O.T.D. Saturday 15th October to Friday 21st October 2016

Saturday, October 14, 2016

Ever Ready C-40 Envy White
Fine American Blend
Timeless OC with TRIAD Aristocrat Ti
Personna 74 #14
Fine American Blend Aftershave

Prep - Noxzema / Hot towel
Pre shave - Proraso
Razor – Weber ARC
Blade – Timor
Brush - 'The Archduke' (Brad Sears Archduke 26/50 2-Band Manchurian)
Soap – Shannon's Soaps Silk Pajamas
Post - Witch Hazel, Jojoba oil.

Well. I must admit that Shannon's soap didn't overwhelm me, maybe it could have been slicker, but I cannot deny the fact that my face is BBS, and irritation free, with a very pleasant post shave feel. It's a soap that delivers where it matters, and that's what really counts. Yep, this gets a thumbs up... 'it does exactly what it says on the tin', as the saying goes.... :)
Pot of the day...
I used Truefitt & Hill No. 10 shaving cream today. Not sure if the No. 10 is a reference to Downing Street, but either way I thought this House of Commons pot was the right sort of container.

The shave: Glyce soap wash and Proraso Red pre-shave cream / T&H No. 10 / The Duke / EJ89+Braveheart+Nacet / Mitchell's Coal Tar soap wash / Cold Rinse + Alum / M&S Bergundy Woodspice AS splash / M&S Bergundy Woodspice balm.

All very politically correct! Have a great weekend all;):)

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