S.O.T.D. Saturday 15th October to Friday 21st October 2016

SOTD: 15th October 2016.
View attachment 21298
Shaving recipe for today.

Pre: warm shower:/Cien (Classic) Shower Gel & Shampoo / warm wet flannel to my face.

Razor:Aluminium Gillette Tech .

Blade:Gillette Nacet . (new)

Brush: Wilkinson sword.

Cream: Body Shop Maca Root+ 4 drops of Glycerin in the soap bowl.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.

Post:Lavender oil & Witch Hazel mixture/Gillette Sensitive Balm.

A/S : Old Spice.

A new shaving set up to start the weekend..today i tried out the Gillette Nacet blades for the first time and i must say i can understand why they are becoming members on TSR favourite blades...
as patw quoted to me yesterday They're very smooth, sharp and long lasting, superb..imho opinion i put them equal to my favourite blades which are Voskhods, Gillette 7o'clock Sharpedge,& Polsilver Super Iridium.. a sublime 3 pass + pick ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report..the nacet combo with the Gillette Tech was superb..the old spice finished the shave excellently..i'm ready for the weekend.Enjoy your day, gentlemen.:cool:
Pleased you liked the Nacet blades, now try the Rubies!!!
Today, a typical autumn shave!


The rubies are tempting..but i've got a boat load of blades to get through, before i'll try them..i'm more than happy with the Nacets at the moment, and my 200+ Voskhods!!.Regards.;)
If you are more than happy with the blades you are using then far be it from me to try and change your mind.
Kind regards, Paul.
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