Rose of Bulgaria

I used the C&S 88 for the first time and what a very nice soap it is. I ended up with a couple of nicks which may be due to an extremely sharp razor than anything to do with the soap.

It lathered very easily and produced masses using my Thater brush - I think I now know just how much water to retain in this brush - initially I was shaking too much out and finding that the brush held on to too much lather - but tonight was spot on.

As to the smell - I'll leave you more knowledgable people to decide whether it's rose or geranium - pleasant enough to my snozzle. I received a couple of sample EdeCs with the soap from C&S and used Cuba - not one I'll buy.
I don't have enough life left to start puzzling over different scents - I'm quite happy to decide between the ones that fall either side of a fairly arbitrary line of acceptable/not acceptable. Cuba falls just short whereas 88 and Dark Rose are pretty well within the acceptable range.

In fact it was the attraction to dark rose that made me start this thread. My wife - who has a much better nose for this kind of thing, has difficulty understanding my attraction to the rose smell - it's probably the first time we have ever disagreed on a male perfume.
The Rose of Bulgaria stuff turned up today - soap, aftershave EdeP and lots of goodies - in fact they sent two of the soaps and everything came to Euro 34 including 12 shipping. I'm really pleased having used all three and sitting here smelling sweet.
Rose de Puskhar uses the same rose - Bulgarian rose, or Damascene rose. By contrast, English rose is more green - Wickham's and Nanny's Silly Soaps both do soaps with this rose. Rose de Puskhar is darkened somehow. These products are pure and simple Bulgarian rose. They're cheap, but they are most certainly cheerful.

It's all about the scent, although keeping it simple does bring a real beauty to it.
Hate to keep my own thread going - but after about 4 hours it's still fresh and smells the same as when I put it on. What I mean by that is the fact that some scents change after a few hours - and not necessarily for the better, but this one, even though it's cheap, is still light and crisp.
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