Rose of Bulgaria

Has anyone tried this cream - if so, what are your thoughts.
Also, where is the best place for getting it - I was on a website last night that appears to not be taking orders - you could add to the shopping basket but not check out.
Pip! Pip! Both the rose and lavender creams have been through my hands ... yes, good, enjoyable, certainly not duds. Beyond that, YMMV. If you like creams, you won't have any issues with them. I prefer soaps and so they went out in the TSR Raffle a few months ago and I've not seen them on SOTD so someone here might be able to do a deal.

I bought direct from Bulgaria although can't recall the seller. It takes about a week to get here ... there's plenty selling on eBay, anyway.

Aftershaves are good, too. Gently mentholated. I used the Rose yesterday; I'm using the Lavender tonight. Lavender is "Herbs of Bulgaria".
Thanks Paul - would you describe the A/S as a splash? They are the only types I like. I have a bottle of Czech & Speake Dark Rose cologne so I'm trying to find complementary products.
It is a splash, yes. It's mild and soothing, the menthol and the rose ... dare I say healing? Rose water/oil is reputed to do so and when I've had the odd cut or nick, it seems less irritable with a splash of this aftershave.

It is NOT a feminine rose. Some are overly powdery and while this is on the powdery side, it's not sickly sweet. The scent is there, but does not last that long and so to finish a shave before a spritz of C&S, that'd work out well. Yesterday, it was VC&A Pour Homme as the complimentary scent.

Bulgarian Rose (Damaskeene) is one of the classic rose scents, Himalayan (Musk Rose) being another, Taifi (Arabian) being the queen ... queen, yes, as it's quite feminine. English Rose is more green stem.

C&S use Bulgarian rose in their Dark Rose scent, so it's of the right family.

Prior, surely No.88 would be a more suitable soap? Relatively cheap, too. But yes, the cream certainly works as you'd expect and has the same scent as the aftershave.
Prior, surely No.88 would be a more suitable soap? Relatively cheap, too. But yes, the cream certainly works as you'd expect and has the same scent as the aftershave.

Oh, duh ... or Le Père Lucien Rose De Pushkar, of which I have about 90g in a 100g tin that I will be putting on BST shortly. "Why sell?", you say. Well, I've just secured a 200g tin from their 1st Anniversary Limited Run and while it really is lovely, I don't need 300g when I have some 50 other soaps.

Le Père Lucien Rose De Pushkar also uses Damaskeene rose along with a couple of other scents that darken it. Simple ingredients, just coconut oil saponified with potassium.
I'm not sure why No.88 would be more suitable - it has coconut in it - but I took your advice anyway as I hadn't tried one of their soaps before. I also found a site for Rose of Bulgaria - the products were cheap enough that I got shaving cream, A/S and E de P all for 34 euros.
I've used the cream (and admittedly been too busy to report back on it) and can confirm what Paul says. Overall it's a good performer, slick, lathers easily and decent cushion. The fragrance is pleasant, without being sweet or feminine.

Mine came from EBay and it's certainly decent enough for a repeat purchase in the future
There was someone selling a set of this which included the shaving cream on eBay. Along with two other products it was 9.99 including postage. It was a uk seller but I have no idea if they are still around.
The finest scent of any rose I've ever had the pleasure to smell is Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll'. A David Austin English Rose hybrid, it has an amazing aromatic Turkish Delight perfume that is glorious and redolent of Olde England. Bugger all to do with aftershave or EdC/EdT/EdP but hey, if you want REAL rose scent on the plant......;)
the 88 shaving soap from C&S.

Hiya doin Rob,

There was a time when first starting to use the #88 soap that I couldn't make up my mind about the scent. Used it maybe 5-6 times or more and finally realized it wasn't for me. Too bad because it's an excellent soap.

Around that same time I was sampling some XPEC and with that too I was unsure about the scent at first. Shaved with it maybe 4-5 times and then something just clicked and we had a bingo. Now it's a favorite thing to huff, plus performance is right up there.

Yes Rob, that's what you need to try. Did I mention the same person created #88 and XPEC? Yep, both have that dirty rose thing going on in some way. You know my druthers but that's just me.

Still, you need to see what's up with the XPEC. Oh, did I mention only referring to the older incarnation and not what's in the stores now. Yeah, there's that to keep in mind buddy.

Ahhh, should be easy enough to dig some up if you're patient. Not to be enabling of course, I would be willing to send you a taste of the good stuff. First one's on the house. Let me know about that. Oh, XPEC also is an EdT option although I have never tried it.

I only want you to have the best,

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