Recommend me some good television series to watch please!

West Lothian
My wife and I finished watching series 3 of Ashes to Ashes on Sunday night (don't worry, you have not stepped back in time I had recorded it, but we missed episode 7 and were waiting to see that, but could not be bothered to wait any longer) and I must say that I really enjoyed all 3 series of it plus the 2 series of Life on Mars. The writing, the acting, the music and the big reveal at the end was spot on.

Also, I must admit to being a big Lost fan and would enjoy enjoy watching nearly every episode (even as a big fan some of the early episodes of season 3 were pants, so I can't say I enjoyed all of the episodes). The whole mystical island thing really appealed and I loved being able to switch off for an hour and watch something that was just plain silly at times, but so well put together IMO.

With the clocks going back soon I was thinking about investing in one or two boxsets to keep my wife and I entertained during the dark part of the year and I would like to hear your recommendations and also why you are recommending them please.


I always liked the House series. It makes a nice and encouraging change for me to see that there are some Doctors, albeit fictional, who have empathy, understanding and genuine concern for their patients. Kinda cheers me up when I come back from a 7 hour clinical visit to see the real thing for 3 / 4 minutes of being made to feel I'm just another time wasting commodity.

JohnnyO. ;)

No, seriously.

It is very 'camp' and cheezy but very, very watchable with some brilliant laugh out loud moments.

And that is coming from the toughest, blokiest bloke on the damn planet!
I was going to be rude about entertaining your wife on long dark nights but I was laughing at the thought of the toughest blokiest bloke on the planet watching Glee.
The Sopranos
Battlestar Galactica
The Wire
The Inbetweeners
Mad Men
Trailer Park Boys
The West Wing
True Blood
moodymick said:
- but only when Christina Hendricks is on screen :twisted:

I'd like to stick my salami between her large loaves....okay okay cocktail sausage. :oops:

...anyway we are back to entertainment on long dark nights.
A great series which never really caught on over here was Rescue Me. Im not sure if it is still in production but it followed a group of NY Fire Fighters post September 11th and how the main characters (Denis Learey) life has been ruined because of the emotional baggage he carries with having lost friends and relatives on that day. Also his alcohol consumption doesn't help.

It's pretty dark in places but also really really funny and quite honest too.

The DVD's are bloody expensive and no TV channel seems to have picked it up for UK broadcast but it's deffo wirth a download.
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