Rate The Last Film You Watched

Django Unchained. Been out a few years and I just saw it (yeah, I'm "that guy"). Aside from the excessive swearing, I found it to be a wildly enjoyable film. I'd rate it as an 8.5/10, but it would have been a solid 9.5/10 or better if there'd been less swearing. The acting was amazing (Christoph Waltz is a new favorite of mine), the story was great, it was well shot. If you can handle the language, it's well worth a watch!

Just a little too long I found?
The Hateful Eight - Django was so much better but still it was amusing. I hope QT moves on from the Western as it felt like he had done everything he could in that genre before the end of the film.

Agreed! This one was a pleasure to watch.

Cheers, Olaf

I watched Darjeeling Express and half of Moonrise Kingdom yesterday. Although Darjeeling Express was entertaining (super cute English/Indian actress by the way...) and aesthetically beautiful, to me it wasn't as good as GHB. Besides, I had really difficulties to dive in Moonrise Kingdom, I'll watch the rest tonight.

My Wes Anderson's favorite films so far are Rushmore (one of the best movies ever, it's supposed to be the coolest movie of all times, it reminds a lot the novel The Catch in the Rye in a way), GBD and The Aquatic Life. The childlike atmosphere depicted by Anderson is absolutely brilliant! I still have to watch Mr Fox though.
Captain America: Civil Wars
This franchise business is starting to confuse me a lot...

Spiderman makes a apparition in the movie, aunt May has turned into a MILF and Spiderman costume has been made by Tony Stark

Very watchable. I think the biggest succes in the Marvel movies these last years is the introduction of Antman, who turns to be the coolest super hero even though he was likely the less glamorous.
Re-watched(TV recording):
Transformers: Age of Extinction (Transformers 4)


The action and the CGI are awesome, but the dialogues are so awful. I think one of the few films that cannot be worse in the german dubbing than in the original.

Total Recall 2012(?)
All in all a good remake, although I always see the characters of the original in mind. Kate Beckingsale is a good 'mean bitch', but lacks the sleazyness of Sharon Stone.

Colin Farrell is not Arnie, but a good Hauser, and to top Arnies acting is somewhat not a challenge.

Some brilliant ideas like the 3D elevators.
Not so brilliant to go through earths core(?).

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Ragnarok: Viking Apocalypse


Surprisingly taut dragon thriller in Norwegian. Very well shot with charismatic cast including the two child actors. The air of menace is
developed slowly without relying on creepy music.

A proper slow burner with a nod toward Alien.
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