Predictions for "must say" word for 2016

After listening to a series of politicians and junior doctors I've realised that the 2016 'in' phrase of the moment is now with us. Since it's pronounced as one word I hope it comes under the thread heading, " d'youknowwot " !

JohnnyO. o/
Time for "wazzak" (or, if called for, "WAZZAK!") to come back into my regular vocab (that's Wazzock to you Northerns and confusing to those hailing from the South East of these blessed isles).

I'm also going to work towards incorporating Whaledreck into my vocabulary in homage to the great John Brunner, whom I think was the first to use it in print.

I'm going to work very hard to lessen my usage of the phrase "cuts against society" despite the barrage of opportunities that will undoubtedly continue to arise.
After listening to a series of politicians and junior doctors I've realised that the 2016 'in' phrase of the moment is now with us. Since it's pronounced as one word I hope it comes under the thread heading, " d'youknowwot " !

JohnnyO. o/

In Londonderry/Derry there has been noise made in between every other word. "Knowattameanhi?"
This has unfortunately spread to the masses, causes much distress, and I believe is terminal.
I foresee this year being no different than last year ............ The words 'Bollocks', 'off' and 'f***', in whichever order and loaded with whichever tone or inflection is required to suit, will feature most in my verbal vocabulary.
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