New level of pretentiousness at BandB?

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Well reading the posts regarding that, it does seem that he MODS at B&B do like to blow things totally out of proportion, thought that on a forum, you could air your views, opinions; thoughts etc......guess you can only do that, if it is done in a so called gentlemanly MOD approved way...mmm! :?

I have found Paul to be a friendly, professional, and helpful guy, and I treat people as I find them....not on other people’s views or opinions.

I find B&B is just run like a Business, and one that has too many so called "Senior" members..!, I only go on there sometimes with I.D requests, and sometimes to buy of the B/S/T. or to show off that I have nice vintage British Razors to make em drool !!

I think we have a far superior forum here, where we can have a laugh, be ourselves, and discuss things freely with our own opinion on things.
good or bad...

Bloody good work I say !

sunburyboy93 said:
... if it is done in a so called gentlemanly MOD approved way...

Having just read that, I'm left wondering if the mods at B&B think we all talk like Monty Python's RAF chaps...


or perhaps the Army ones...

Bruceonshaving said:
When I mentioned my blog they moved the thread to Vendors! Then deleted it.

Then look at this: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... id=8184402</a><!-- m -->
Someone has put a lot of work into removing the word ikon from the forum. This is a pity as it is one of very few artisan razors in the world, so is important to talk about.

Any idea why ?
I'm an American . I have been wetshaving since end 2007 and on the U.S. forums since 2008. I was banned from BB in 2009. I was the only member in a thread to agree with a poster that some level of political/nationalist bias existed at BB and that mods were hostile and insulting in emails, since that had been my experience. That got me banned.

Fido was banned I think not because of the off color remark or profanity but because he broke the number one unspoken member rule, "Don't show up the moderator", by speaking back to the mod he challenged the mods authority and at BB thats a big no no , that trumps all excuses. BB is the mods house, you can't challenge a mod in his house.If the mod bullies you, knuckle under or get out. You don't do that and you get hit, you get a warning and if you continue to talk back and not knuckle under you get banned .

The problems isn't one of national cultural differences misunderstood, its just that Fido and Bruce don't understand the mod culture at BB. They are thinking that fairness, rationality, and adherence to rules should govern a large institution like BB and their interaction with it should reflect those qualities. However, the dominance of the mods and member recognition of the mods rights to authority and respect is the number one rule and those in charge there are not interested in any idea of what others might think is fair and just behavior.
antdad said: mean we had/have to lick their butts?


Well yea, members have to be sure not to question mod authority,at BB you learn to self censor any post that you think the MODS might find offensive.One can even read threads where members are afraid to even ask why another member was banned and assure one another that whatever the the reason mods were probably right for the ban.

With Fido as well he may have gotten caught up with being designated as a vendor. BB says they are militant about protecting members from potential vendor abuses and with that they handle vendors very roughly. Here as well the mods are real fast to show vendors they are in full control of BB and vendors are not going to just use BB as they like,commercial activity must be fully regulated by mods. I know for Fido its a hobby and not a money thing but to BB he is another vendor who needs to knuckle under and don't get offended, we're in charge here.

Some vendors seemed to enjoy a protected status at BB and the mods even seemed to wage a war of sabotage against Giovanni Abrate at Barberia Italiana ,one because he was competition with afavored vendor, another because Mr. Abrate started his own forum/message board. That war didn't stop until Mr. Abrate left vending. Paul is right in saying his problem at BB stem from his stand against Mr. Abrate's treatment. Paul/Giovanni 's bans at BB were like "state secrets", you could not even mention them on BB, the thread would be shut immediately and threats issued .
Who knew clicking that link would foster even more disdain for such a snooty site.
Steward program is the gayest f*cking thing I've ever heard introduced in a forum. On one forum you have "mentor" but this this thing takes the cake.


Attero said:
When i read the 'more members bit' i was actually expecting to see them instituting a 2 tier forum system.
Serve your time as a junior B&B member on the junior forums , then when you have proved yourself correctly fawning of Joel and the mods you are inducted into the upper echelons of the forum, shown the secret handshake and access to extra gentlemanly forums. (Where i should point out if you are wearing your hat incorrectly on your avatar, or making the incomprehensible error of being discovered reading the forum and drinking brandy from the wrong glass - you are banned for ungentlemanly conduct).

Give em time..

This is still on or around the same level pretentiousness tho.

While I agree with you, you fail to mention that you are forbidden to voice any opinions that does not mirror theirs. Simply put if you speak ill of a Kent rep due to his mishandling of customer's issue but at same time giving credit to Joe ( sans the jerking ) who took care of such nasty incident, you will be referred to as snarkish and subsequently perma-banned.
JohnnyO said:
Gosh, I guess that's why this is the only forum I'm on. Official greeters ? I can settle for some good humoured insults & a healthy dose of realism.


I recall you acquired a Machida Tadashi from Seth at S*it R**** P****. I take it you no longer contribute there as well?

Jeltz said:

While on the subject I wonder if anyone can shed any light on the B & B handshake. As I understand it its a way that members of the lodge err I mean forum can identify each other in every day dealings. :mrgreen:

It's called Limp Biscuit.
Attero said:

Dont get us wrong, there's a lot of really decent folks over at B&B - its just a bloody shame that Joel and the mods have this obnoxiously twisted idea of what it means to be a Gentleman.

For them its this stuffy, no humor early 1800's socialite whose acceptance is based on the things you own (go check out the watches sections for gratuitous amounts of Rolex's.) and where you should know your place amongst your betters.
Its a forum where your Post count validates your opinion, to be jovial or flippant is a crime, and where to be British is to be barely tolerated (in my own personal experience).
(yea yea i know its their forum, their rules, invited guests, lot of hard work.... etc etc ... bleh)

Besides the reviews section there is very little i have time for at B&B - i occasionally browse, no longer post ..... I don't miss it.

Post count?! Christ I thought that was done 7-8 years ago.

Gee I've long since been insecure about my capacity to feel any sense of self-worth so it's nice to have it ratified by a bunch of strangers all over the world jerkin my gherkin because I have ample collection of butterscotch brushes and an overpriced Best Eagle. Wooptif*ckin do! I am so cool! GIYAAAAA!


The few favourable members there are here anyway so really you're not missing anything out unless you enjoy a circlejerk session amongst e-friends and bullying those with less than 9000 post count.
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