My Holy Grail razor...maybe.

I'm going to go out on a huge limb here and proclaim the BBS-1 the best DE razor ever made. There is obviously some unicorn and fairy dust sprinkled into it. Screw YMMV - this razor is the real deal. :)

I'm sorry to stoke the fires of unobtanium-lust but I feel the same. The final perfect touch is that I love the little dimple in the end of the handle too.
I have a rather large collection of razors (sure, not as substantial as @Mrchick 's, but it still keeps me busy trying to use them all) :)

I've probably gone through 100-or-so DE razors - all from vintage to modern, plastic, bakelite, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, open comb, closed comb, dual comb, slants, adjustables, etc, etc - and many of them were amazing razors - just as many of them were terrible.

However, I don't think I've ever had a shave and really truly heard that angelic choir breaking through the mists of lather telling me that "this is the one". It's been close a few times though
That is - until today. Today my face met LASSC's BBS-1

As you probably know the BBS-1 is made by James of Wolfman Razors and is an exclusive line of razors for LA Shaving. I believe that John of LA Shaving is the person that early on encouraged James to start up his own razor making business.

The BBS-1 is made to the same OCD-like tolerances as James' own line of razors and having both I can testify to that. Everything about the BBS-1 oozes of class and quality.

As opposed to the Wofman razors the BBS-1 razors are uniquely numbered - mine happened to be #277. According to LA Shaving there were a handful of prototypes made early on but in large this means it's the 277th BBS-1 razor made.

The first thing that probably strikes you when you have unwrapped the razor is the shine.!
Absolutely amazing polishing (remember these are not chrome plated but polished steel) - potentially the best I've ever seen. I dare even say that the finish on the BBS-1 seems to even go above and beyond what I've seen on mine and other Wolfman branded razors.

The serial number and engraving on the base plate adds to that feeling of you having bought something rather special.

...and yes the flawless polish and finish includes the inside of the top cap :)

It truly is a great looking razor, beautiful design and oozing of quality...

I mean, this thing is SO flawless in its finish/polish that one might mistake it for a piece of men's jewelry;

Loading the blade is as 'exquisite as the rest of the experience.
The blade nestles comfortably between four corner tabs...

...and then firmly locked in place with the base plate;

There is no clatter, looseness or wiggle room - it just 'fits'.
(Did I btw mention the polish on this thing?)

Loaded with a blade (Wilkinson Light Brigade as it happens)..

...I took it for its first shave.

Right off the bat, w/in a few strokes with the razor down my face I knew there was something special here. It was smooth, efficient and it made that subtle sound that I like to hear from a razor.
After having completed my two passes as I actually wishes I had something left to shave - it was that pleasant to use - but I was as clean shaven as I have ever been in my life.

So what's a "Grail razor" to me?

Well, something that is all of this;
- Visually very appealing,
- Exceptionally well designed and made - incl finish/polishing,
- Gives me an outstanding shave in two passes, and
- Goldilock rating when it comes to aggression and efficiency.

I'd say I own razors that rate rather high in many of those criteria...but the BBS-1 rates high in every single one.

So is it all good? Why the "maybe"?
a) I wish the handle was 5mm longer, and
b) I'd hate to think that I now no longer have to buy any more DE razors. Is the search really over...? Well, I guess there's always SE, injector, etc... :)

What's the downside to the BBS-1?
1) Price.
This is the most I've paid for a DE razor. Having said that, I'm happy I did.
(With CA sales tax the razor is about $300. Ugh)

2) Availability.
It's "never in stock" and the waiting list is officially closed

3) Discontinuation on the horizon?
Rumors have it that the BBS-1 will be slowly phased out for another design down the road. There may well only be around 300 of these ever made.

What is the handle length Darkbulb?
BBS-1 Handle:
Length: 3.512"(89.2mm)
Diameter: 0.551" (14mm)
Weight: 88g

Thanks Darkbulb, that has put my mind at rest. :D I have to have a handle of 95-100mm as a minimum and on top of that the diameter has to be a maximum of 13mm. I'm afraid I'm a bit like the princess who had pea problems ... too sensitive to tiny discrepancies! :p
Too early to tell. They are both great but different. Based upon only one shave with the BBS-1, it is a buttery smooth and efficient razor. The Wolfman with .74mm gap has a bit more direct blade feel, but not in a bad way. I find it superbly efficient and enjoyable as well, though it requires a bit lighter touch than the BBS-1.
Update on my BBS-1 adventure. After a few shaves, the BBS-1 has powered ahead of the Wolfman. I find it to be supremely comfortable while delivering a close, long-lasting shave. The WR1-OC .74mm is a fine, efficient shaver, but it's just a step behind the BBS-1 in smoothness, especially in the neck area. As Darkbulb noted, the BBS-1 achieves superb results in a very effortless, comfortable way.

All Hail the BBS-1!
Update on my BBS-1 adventure. After a few shaves, the BBS-1 has powered ahead of the Wolfman. I find it to be supremely comfortable while delivering a close, long-lasting shave. The WR1-OC .74mm is a fine, efficient shaver, but it's just a step behind the BBS-1 in smoothness, especially in the neck area. As Darkbulb noted, the BBS-1 achieves superb results in a very effortless, comfortable way.

All Hail the BBS-1!

"Welcome. You have arrived" :)
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