Merkur Futur problem?

Same here. It's the one razor, apart from the Ikon Tech, that has me beat. The difference between us is that I still have my Futur, to remind me never to buy another.

I used mine for knocking nails in for a while then realised I could just buy a hammer.

The Tech? Thought I could do aggressive. And then met the Tech and realised knocking nails in with a Futur was a safer option.
That's great customer service given its age.
Yes, indeed! They are the best here in Norway, very good guys, always positive and helpful. I will get most probably a gift card of that value from which will probably maybe get a Feather Artist Club-SS (and of course pay more because the Futur was way cheaper). :) Have already a straight razor, but couldn't manage to hone it properly so I thought it is better to start with a shavette type instead. Don't have to worry about the sharpness. honing, stropping. I heard a lot of good about that shavette.
Yes, indeed! They are the best here in Norway, very good guys, always positive and helpful...

Norway? I just met two young junior Norwegian naval officers who were/are? at port in my city last week. Nice young men and very attentive. I was impressed. They were very well versed.

Perhaps as well you have heard of the mad rogue Englishman who roams the southern part of your country named @mikesmart(?). He's a dangerous masher & cad who has a small "museum" of wet shaving gear hoarded in southern Norway I believe. Now that I think about it, I should have asked those two junior officers if they had ever run convoy escort for the cargo ships carrying all the stuff he buys!! :unsure:

Norway? I just met two young junior Norwegian naval officers who were/are? at port in my city last week. Nice young men and very attentive. I was impressed. They were very well versed.

Perhaps as well you have heard of the mad rogue Englishman who roams the southern part of your country named @mikesmart(?). He's a dangerous masher & cad who has a small "museum" of wet shaving gear hoarded in southern Norway I believe. Now that I think about it, I should have asked those two junior officers if they had ever run convoy escort for the cargo ships carrying all the stuff he buys!! :unsure:

They talk extremely well in English. :) Saw Mike wrote some answers here also if I remember correctly. :) By the way, to make the case even more complex, I am a Hungarian who lives in Norway. :)
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