Meissner tremonia dark limes shaving soap

theunnamed said:
The worst thing about this soap is the container and puck incompatibility, the puck is too small for the container. I guess I need to grate the soap and put it in the container again or the bottom part will be soften with water after some use.

Stick it in the microwave for a few seconds - just soften it - and press into the container. I didn't even disturb the crest on top other than stretching it. This works for most soaps.
I Haven't tried the dark limes yet but have just used the one containing lanolin, Strong & Scottish, which also contains whisky. While it is a lovely soap which performs very well indeed & leaves the skin feeling very soft, the smell is quite disgusting. Reminds me of a full ashtray. The worst smelling soap i've ever used. I look forward to trying the other samples I got from Connaughts, Dark Limes, Moroccan Rhassoul & Pink Grapefruit. Interested to know what others think about the scent on this one.
Haha! I was warned about Strong & Scottish, but bought it anyway and absolutely love it! Yes, I get the ashtray, but not thought of it that way. It's whisky and juniper root tar extract. Very earthy indeed! Very divisive. I think this is Meißner Tremonia's Veg. "Like a Glasgow bog" was how one pal put it and he's German ... and yes, his double-entendre was intentional.

Regarding the hard soaps being too small for the dish. The pucks I have can be moulded with some pressure. Mine came as just the refills, but I think I could press it into whatever dish I chose. They're presently sitting in a couple of vintage bakelite dishes, just gently pressed against the base and they've not moved with a few test lathers.
Re: RE: For Audiolab

Boab said:
When you get here mate, I got the Alum today so thanks :D much appreciated.
If we haven't had a group buy for it by the time I go to Italy then I will look to pick a batch up and return one to you.

Have just used this and would say contrary to my post it is more of an earthy lime scent
If you are nervous about the hard soap and the container being too large, buy the soap at Connaughht, he uses the refill soap and puts it in one of his black TOBS wooden bowls. Looks rather cool and fits pretty well in there.
The paste is packed in quite tight and so is not like dipping your brush into, say, T&H No.10. Similarly, the hard soap is not rock hard. It would deform if you dropped it on the floor. Both give up soap into the brush very easily and won't punish you for overwatering with too much foam.

One is no harder to load than the other, so personally I'd say get a hard soap as I think it would last longer and you've got the choice (as a refill) of popping it into any container you want.
I own 4 of each, and I use them in a super lather mix. Start out by dabbing some paste on my damp whiskers with my fingers, then load the brush in the soap and start to build the lather on my face.

get a great lather from this - in fact excellent.

I own the Lavender/Rose, the dark Lime, the pink grapefruit and the salty sea something.

All are great scents, my favorite is the pink grapefruit.
Jel999 said:
I Haven't tried the dark limes yet but have just used the one containing lanolin, Strong & Scottish, which also contains whisky. While it is a lovely soap which performs very well indeed & leaves the skin feeling very soft, the smell is quite disgusting. Reminds me of a full ashtray. The worst smelling soap i've ever used.

pjgh said:
Haha! I was warned about Strong & Scottish, but bought it anyway and absolutely love it! Yes, I get the ashtray, but not thought of it that way. It's whisky and juniper root tar extract. Very earthy indeed! "Like a Glasgow bog" was how one pal put it and he's German ... and yes, his double-entendre was intentional.

See now Paul, I know something lots of other people might not know! Yes, I get how wacked out your tastes are compared to a normal person. Either real aggressive Freak Show razors or strange smelling frags.......those are your meat. That part I understand.

That's why I would bet that other member was describing things a bit more accurately maybe. 'Glasgow bog'.....what's up with that?

... but do read my other review in SOTD.

Strong & Scottish is pure connoisseur with a real genius beneath.

PJGH in SOTD said:
Today I shaved with Strong & Scottish, the hard soap which from a cursory scan over the ingredients gains its earthiness from "whiskey" (presumably whisky) and juniperus oxycedrus wood tar, or juniper wood tar and not dissimilar to cade, which Thomas at Meißner Tremonia mixes with red clay to reinforce the earthiness resulting in a seriously heady, woody, ashy, peaty, burnt wood experience which is absolutely sublime.

I had read about this soap being the worst scented soap ever, a scent which only its mother could love and a stink of stale ashtrays, all descriptions which I won't disagree with - yes, I get the ash, yes, I get that it is really quite unusual, earthy, mucky (not necessarily dirty) and I originally described the scent as having the same polarising effect as Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal. But, this is not a Marmite soap, one which divides opinion, but rather one with draws the absolute same opinion from all and it is the response from each that is of note - whether the person is reviled or whether the person is intrigued, even exhilarated.

I am one who is exhilarated by this scent. As a sample in a plastic bag it gains the same effect as good drink in a snifter, the scent concentrated and alive for each of the constituent smells to be explored. This is not Marmite, this is oysters, this is caviar, this is that very special bottle of red wine that gives off a prolific farmyard smell upon breathing, this is Laphroaig. And on that final note, I don't think we're far from understanding the true nature of this soap - it is strong, it is peaty, it is almost medicinal. It is strong, it is Scottish. I get it.

... and there it is: Thomas is a genius; this soap is high connoisseur.

... oh, if Strong & Scottish ever makes it to an aftershave I will be first in line! I have seen a bottle of Dark Limes Aftershave by private message, so can only hope :D
Cheers Paul. Looks like it's the soap.

And Claus - can always rely on you to enable even when none is needed!
I want one or the other, not both!
Start with something a little more conventional, Kul.

Dark Limes really is excellent and truly deserving of the 'Dark' in its title. Indian Flavour is lovely and cooling with a light spice waft, Lavender Deluxe is indeed deluxe, Himalayan Heights and Pink Grapefruit are lighter (to my nose), Mint Ice Menthol is a pack of Trebor done in one with a pack of Fisherman's Friends dropped in mid-chew! Salty Sea Sage is stronger but still a nice light scent.

If I could get Meißner Tremonia to do a Dark Rose, I'd be very happy indeed ... but, apparently, Germans view chaps wearing rose scents with deep suspicion. Maybe persuade him to start a women's shaving line with that one :D
pjgh said:
Start with something a little more conventional, Kul.

Dark Limes really is excellent and truly deserving of the 'Dark' in its title. Indian Flavour is lovely and cooling with a light spice waft, Lavender Deluxe is indeed deluxe, Himalayan Heights and Pink Grapefruit are lighter (to my nose), Mint Ice Menthol is a pack of Trebor done in one with a pack of Fisherman's Friends dropped in mid-chew! Salty Sea Sage is stronger but still a nice light scent.

If I could get Meißner Tremonia to do a Dark Rose, I'd be very happy indeed ... but, apparently, Germans view chaps wearing rose scents with deep suspicion. Maybe persuade him to start a women's shaving line with that one :D

Mint ice menthol- what a description! Black beer, Exotic Elemi and Drak Limes ordered!
Nishy said:
If I could get Meißner Tremonia to do a Dark Rose, I'd be very happy indeed

You probably already know about the C&S #88 scented soap having that sorta note. Also, the older Xpec had a somewhat similar thing going on, along with pepper and other stuff. Same Perfumer for both.

The C&S is a top tier performer.
dodgy said:
Nishy said:
If I could get Meißner Tremonia to do a Dark Rose, I'd be very happy indeed

You probably already know about the C&S #88 scented soap having that sorta note. Also, the older Xpec had a somewhat similar thing going on, along with pepper and other stuff. Same Perfumer for both.

The C&S is a top tier performer.
Thanks for the info, not tried that soap as of yet, I really like pepper as an additional EO, although it can cause irritation the scent compliments bay, vetiver, rose and lime some of my favourites!
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