M&S Dermot O'Leary Bergamot and Basil

Must admit; my M&S Original Woodspice Gentleman Aftershave is very good; would also be interested in any feed back on the above; must admit however, have gone off atomisers for some reason currently. I wonder why M&S went for Dermot O'Leary, does this add some sort of credibility to the scent?
Must admit; my M&S Original Woodspice Gentleman Aftershave is very good; would also be interested in any feed back on the above; must admit however, have gone off atomisers for some reason currently. I wonder why M&S went for Dermot O'Leary, does this add some sort of credibility to the scent?
good question, I'm not altogether sure why they have to stick a TV celebs name on it to help it sell, we all know it's BS! If he uses it it's because he was given a truck load of it to wear and a wad of cash! :) P.

Edit: unless he has his own line of products that he's letting M&S sell for him, but I doubt it. P.
Had a wee sniff of Dermot's product, Bergamot and Basil. Very nice. Very Joe Malone before the takeover. He does say that he was involved with the product throughout. He's always up there in GQ style awards. I'm buying.
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