London 2012

watched the archery this morning I have to say it's like watching the grand national anyone could win the mens team has been on form for the last few international competitions only to get stuff by a Ukrainian team that were on fire. if they had been paired with any of the other teams shooting today they would have won hands down just came up against a team that happend to be having a good day.
BBC3, but I think it will skip to BBC1 later, it's been on all of them at some time already.

Fido is right about people being more cynical online, it's easier. It's also easy to misrepresent and misinform with no comeback.
Fact. well over 1,000 social homes were destroyed for venues. So far at least, a net loss.
Fact, public resources have been "privatised" (purloined) at an alarming rate, under the guise of sport.
I really enjoyed the Opening, didn't "get" all of it, but how could anyone, if it was to be representative? The NHS has been global news due to "Obamacare", and no doubt that section will be interpreted any which way.
The REAL news yesterday was Gove announcing that "Academies", like "free schools" don't need qualified teachers, paving the way for profit making schools and "Pearson pupils", only getting what Pearson can publish and examine cheaply. An absolute outrage, and alarming that something so fundamental to the nation represented in the Opening ceremony has been buried!
Bread and Circuses! Only the kids won't get any bread, only a Bible to share.

I'm loving the Road Race - good ole Tony Martin, I predicted German help here , during TdF. We could do with more!!! Roders, the Aussie got lots of stick helping Wiggo beat Cadel, he's making a good attempt at putting that right!

Conservative MP Aidan Burley tweeted that the Olympics opening ceremony was "multicultural crap". Burley was sacked as an aide last year after he took part in a Nazi-themed stag party in the Alps.
I thought the first bit (including the industrial revolution and NHS bit) was, erm, crap unfortunately. I'd agree with Vinny about the commentators gushing about how marvellous it was. I thought it was a bit embarrassing, like an am dram production.

However, it drastically improved after that and, overall, I thought it was very good and a credit to everyone who was involved in it.
lloydedwards said:
BBC3, but I think it will skip to BBC1 later, it's been on all of them at some time already.

Fido is right about people being more cynical online, it's easier. It's also easy to misrepresent and misinform with no comeback.
Fact. well over 1,000 social homes were destroyed for venues. So far at least, a net loss.
Fact, public resources have been "privatised" (purloined) at an alarming rate, under the guise of sport.
I really enjoyed the Opening, didn't "get" all of it, but how could anyone, if it was to be representative? The NHS has been global news due to "Obamacare", and no doubt that section will be interpreted any which way.
The REAL news yesterday was Gove announcing that "Academies", like "free schools" don't need qualified teachers, paving the way for profit making schools and "Pearson pupils", only getting what Pearson can publish and examine cheaply. An absolute outrage, and alarming that something so fundamental to the nation represented in the Opening ceremony has been buried!
Bread and Circuses! Only the kids won't get any bread, only a Bible to share.

I'm loving the Road Race - good ole Tony Martin, I predicted German help here , during TdF. We could do with more!!! Roders, the Aussie got lots of stick helping Wiggo beat Cadel, he's making a good attempt at putting that right!


So much to feel depressed about.

Our lads ran out of steam and/or badly misjudged the tactics.

Commentary was hopeless and the technical support was awful - no idea of gaps etc.

Then nobody able to discuss it afterwards.

Not happy.

Love to know what was said by the team and coaches after the race.
Fido said:
So much to feel depressed about.

Our lads ran out of steam and/or badly misjudged the tactics.

Commentary was hopeless and the technical support was awful - no idea of gaps etc.

Then nobody able to discuss it afterwards.

Not happy.

Love to know what was said by the team and coaches after the race.

The coverage was terrible, nobody seemed to know what was going on. I am assuming the riders in the peleton were being informed as to how big the gap was to the leaders, if not that could explain why they let them get away.

It was certainly a faster race than they had expected, just hope it hasn't worn out Wiggo's legs and he can still manage to pull off something special in the Time Trial.

So far I have watched the Road Race where the commentary was terrible, and the opening ceremony, which although I thought it was quite good the commentary was also terrible. Lets hope it improves.
I wish to God they would publish what was going to be on what channel when and then stick to it. I had to go out (productively, at least: agreed a price on a house), and so missed the end of the cycling when the BBC flipped it again. The schedule said it should have been on bbc1 already, but it wasn't, there was no information anywhere, so I had little option but to tape bbc3.

Honestly, what's wrong with showing an event on a channel unbroken?
It was Rick but not on terrestrial Freeview.

Get a satellite and scan'll get 24 BBC HD channels or they should be in your Sky package.

BTW, no ear piece radios allowed in the road race unlike le tour.
Really dissapointed. Not sure whether we just had a very tired team, or what. It did seem that no-one wanted to help GB chase down the breakaway, I think that's a big factor.

Ah well, on to the time trial, where Wiggo stands a huge chance.

Still enjoying the whole spectacle. Go on Hannah Miley!
Amazing turn-out by public on road course - shame so many corporate seats were empty at venues when the public (tax payers) wanted to buy them. I hope Contador is OK for TT, it was his nous as much as anything that did for us. COME ON LIZZIE!

On a positive note for "business" which some here have defended
"New tax rules ushered in as part of London's winning bid to host the Games mean the Olympic site in east London has become the world's latest, albeit temporary, tax haven. These rules mean that so-called partner organisations, such as Coca-Cola and Visa, could pay no tax at all on their earnings from the Games.
The new legislation also exempts foreign nationals working on the games in the UK from paying income tax on any earnings. That includes journalists, representatives of official games bodies, judges and the athletes themselves."
Local business' of course only get hassled and increased rates.

So the Obesity Games are great for the fat cats, and my council tax IN MANCHESTER pays for Police and Brand police. It is turning into 'crime of the century', and I know it will leave a horrid taste in the mouth for many competitors.
In retrospect, I really liked the Opening Ceremony, took a while to digest, which I reckon means it was more 'substantial' than my first impression. Sadly I can't discuss such matters with my American cousins in Arizona - the yanks cut the poignant (meaningful) section totally!!!!! WTF, Can you imagine if any country edited out a 9/11 memorial piece? New Zealand put commercials all the way through it - So why £27m to show ourselves "To the world" when the ads took preference?
Today I noticed a lot of criticism of the BBC coverage - but they aren't the host broadcaster OBC are (Olympic BC ) the same ones responsible for the "Virtual" fireworks at Beijing.
Perhaps Cavendish won, but Dow Chemical need to woo Vinnys homeland and got OBC to do a Directors Cut.
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