lilac vegetal

pjgh said:
Ah, the "urinal cake" ...

I've encountered this in reverse, stepping into a freshly cleaned loo at work, sniffed and thought "Veg" :D
Oh, no, not good ...

My wife was mopping the kitchen floor the other day with Flash or something cheaper, and I got a whiff of it from in the lounge. My immediate thought?


In better news, the hand sanitizer at the dentists smells a bit like Hammam Bouquet.

I got a sample of this a couple of days ago - it is utterly disgusting!

Reminds me of the aforementioned pish, with a touch of public toilets, dash of swimming pool changing room with a sprinkle of something old-folks home/hospital-esque.

Tried waiting an hour for it to mellow, but I couldn't get it off quick enough.

I shall now post my findings on this one with apologies to Steve who has heard them already.

It is not something I would wear and, TBH, it reminds me of the Gents' at a busy motorway service station. It has much in common with Pashana. These scents are not 'urinary' in themselves - I think it is the association of smell with cheap, scented disinfectant and urinal cakes.

Not much used by me!

I am minded to stick a small bottle of 'Pashana' in with the Veg as the family similarity should be of interest and the postage would be the same. Would anyone object if I did so, as I have a bottle of Pashana which I cannot induce anyone to buy! :dodgy:

Let me know if there are objections, otherwise two bottles shall circulate.
Am waiting on a sample myself (i went pretty mental and bought loads of sample packs this month) along with all the other clubman scents. Was really Waiting on the bay rum, but i think this'll be the first one to get opened when they arrive now...

every man should know if he's been chosen by the veg...
Where can I get my hands on a sample of the Virgin Islands bay rum? Heard mixed reviews about it and I'm not too sure of the cinnamon undertone, certainly wanting to try before I buy a full bottle.

Any advice?
I do hope there is someone else in line for the wandering motorway services, I mean veg. One splash on the wrists is plenty enough for me. As said previously I get gents toilets and old granny's handbag, no piss though.

The pashana smells nicer to me but it is also very "old lady"
Perhaps if a Mod could change the thread title to "The Wandering Lialc Vegetal" or something similar, there might be some takers.
Even if you don't like it, it's nice to know what people are talking about when it comes to this divisive product.
rhedgehog said:
I ordered mine from garry's sample shop. Unfortunately, as it's from the US using the postal service, it ain't exactly quick, but he's reasonably priced and certainly helpful.

Do your purchases get hauled in through customs? In the past (when going through my fragrance phase) I wanted to buy a few samples from Luckyscent but was put off by the extra cost (P.O. handling, etc.) I would have to stump up if they were caught. I don't think I could bear paying more for the customs/handling than what the original product price is!
i wouldn't worry too much about it. There's limits to what they'll bother to stop and $20 worth of samples doesn't even reach the threshold for VAT/import. If the tax due is under £9 they don't even bother.

I've ordered stuff from overseas (not necessarily shaving related stuff) loads of times and never had anything get pulled.
rhedgehog said:
i wouldn't worry too much about it. There's limits to what they'll bother to stop and $20 worth of samples doesn't even reach the threshold for VAT/import. If the tax due is under £9 they don't even bother.

I've ordered stuff from overseas (not necessarily shaving related stuff) loads of times and never had anything get pulled.

I'll have a go then. I brings to mind a couple of carbon steel cooks knives that I bought from Japan a few years ago. The seller had described them as knives (yes, I know) and put a value of £1 on them. They were not stopped - I felt lucky that day, how many knives from Japan cost a pound?!
In my olfactory perception Vegetal smells like a mixture of Jays Fluid and a urinal puck when it's in the bottle. Once it's on my face and dried, however, I find the smell quite pleasant; it changes completely. Thus, if you can overlook the rather obnoxious smell right out of the bottle and get it on your face you too might be pleasantly surprised. Even SWMBO likes it.
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