Is There One Razor You Will Never Part With?

Is there a shaver you just can't imagine yourself not having? A razor that means something to you in ways that might even be hard to explain? Not necessarily a "grail" razor although it could to fall into that category. I'm talking about something that just fits you to a "T".
Perhaps it's been handed down to you or was a gift from a special person or relative. Or maybe it's the result of a long time of searching and experimentation.
I have 8 razors that all shave me extremely well. These 8 are all very well designed, good looking and efficient without being scary.
For Lambda Athena is absolutely the most gorgeous modern razor I have ever seen.
BUT...the one razor I cannot do without or part with is my Smart-Helix Apollo. It is a very good shaver, extremely well made and very attractive. The shave can be either mild or a bit more aggressive by simply flipping the base plate over. A very good handle which is not slippery in the least. Shaving angles are intuitive and easy to figure out. Is it my best shaver? The 8 I have are all very close in performance and efficiency, but this one means something more for me.
That's because I am Ukrainian. My parents, their parents (born in Ukraine) and further back, all from Ukraine. So this razor truly has a deep relevance for me considering what's happening now. I'm in contact with the folks of Smart-Helix and they're doing as well as can be expected.
So this is my one razor that I will never part with and will maybe become handed down at some point...or maybe it goes with me.
My Hone 15, I just love the unique way it looks and feels. I've tried every version but the original is by far the best. It isn't the most efficient but always one of the most enjoyable shaves I get, I just seem to fit it to a tea. I was kindly sold it, (almost given it) by @Gairdner, near to the very beginning of me discovering traditional shaving. It was one of the first of many kind hearted gestures that I've found in this forum and community. It will also never be sold due to me dropping it like a prat while packing it to post out on a loan! It has a minor dink to the side of the head, it doesn't effect the shave at all but may put off some. Not me, I love it and it just adds to it's character!
My beat up Edwin Jagger DE89L. Made here (mostly) and my first proper DE shave results. A few scratches and scrapes (like me) as it’s survived rough handling through two house moves but still shaves grand. Nobody would buy it even if I wanted to sell it. Hmm, been a while since I used it too. Thanks EJ.

My beat up Edwin Jagger DE89L. Made here (mostly) and my first proper DE shave results. A few scratches and scrapes (like me) as it’s survived rough handling through two house moves but still shaves grand. Nobody would buy it even if I wanted to sell it. Hmm, been a while since I used it too. Thanks EJ.

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Another great choice, you really can't go wrong with this razor! :)

Hmm, that’s another razor I’ve never tried but has always piqued my curiosity. I hear tell of a narrow shaving angle?
Yes it does have quite a narrow angle and I almost sold it a few years ago as I wasn’t getting close enough shaves. I put it on the back burner for a while, came back to it and bingo, for some reason I found the right angle and have been having stellar shaves with it ever since. I was so glad I persevered with it.
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My Hone 15, I just love the unique way it looks and feels. I've tried every version but the original is by far the best. It isn't the most efficient but always one of the most enjoyable shaves I get, I just seem to fit it to a tea. I was kindly sold it, (almost given it) by @Gairdner, near to the very beginning of me discovering traditional shaving. It was one of the first of many kind hearted gestures that I've found in this forum and community. It will also never be sold due to me dropping it like a prat while packing it to post out on a loan! It has a minor dink to the side of the head, it doesn't effect the shave at all but may put off some. Not me, I love it and it just adds to it's character!
The Hone 15...ok then. A GREAT shaver. Great looks and is a very good shave. I had the SS version and it was a terrific razor
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